You can quantify the quality of the estimator by calculating the total surprisal of all of the coin flips. Suppose that your expert makes predictions $q_i$ for each coin. Then, given indicator variables for the coins coming up heads $x_i$, the total surprisal is: \begin{align} \sum_i\left[ -x_i\log q_i - (1-x_i)\log (1-q_i)\right]. \end{align} The expected value of the surprisal given the true values $\{p_i\}$ is the cross-entropy: \begin{align} \sum_i \left[-p_i\log q_i -(1-p_i)\log (1-q_i)\right]. \end{align} It is nonnegative, and achieves its minimum value (the entropy of $\\{p_i\\}$) if and only if $p_i = q_i \forall i$. If you subtract the entropy from the cross-entropy, you get the relative entropy (whose minimum value is zero). If you take $e^{-x}$ of that, you have a number in $[0, 1]$ as you wanted with a reasonable probabilistic interpretation.