I use bnlearn package in R to learn the structure of my Bayesian Network and its parameters.
What I want to do is to "predict" the value of a node given the value of other nodes as evidence ( obviously, with the exception of the node whose values we are predicting). 

I have continuous variables. 

      training.set = gaussian.test[1:4000, ] #This is training set to learn the parameters
      test.set = gaussian.test[4001:4010, ]  #This is test set to give as evidence
      res = hc(training.set)                 # learn BN structure on training set data 
      fitted = bn.fit(res, training.set)     # learning of parameters
      pred = predict(fitted$C, test.set)     # predicts the value of node C given test set
      table(pred, test.set[, "C"])           # compares the predicted value as original

Now, this code works well and gives a table in which you can see that predicted values for node C are **exactly** same as the original value of node C in test set. 

I could not get the reason for that ? Could someone please explain ?

I know, I am providing entire df of test set that already has the value of node C in it. But if I give the data of other columns, it gives an error. So, I tried an alternative of putting other values to 0. 

      test.set$C = 0                 # To not give the original value of node C as evidence
      pred = predict(fitted$C, test.set)     # predicts the value of node C given test set
      table(pred, test.set[, "C"])           # compares the predicted value as original
Is this a wrong approach ? Using "NA" is not allowed. 
Thanks a lot!