Main question: "What are the contributing variates to daily movement distances?"

Specifically my question today relates to:

 "What is the contribution related to gender, and then within female what are the effects related to those females having young?"

I have multiple readings per animal (hundreds per individual), with 13 individuals (5 females and 8 males). The females sometimes have young with them, and I know this contributes to the distance they move. 

I have several contributing factors in a GLMM; I am using the nlme::lme function. The current form is:

    lm1 <- lme(movedistance ~ Gender+YoungPresent+x3+x4+x5+x6, random  = ~1|AnimalID/Month, data = df1)

There is no significant gender effect in this current model; however I know that this is mis-specified, because males never have young;  but I don't know how to fix it. "YoungPresent" is a binary term, it is always 0 for males, and 0 or 1 for females, 1 when they have young. What I want is to somehow remove the attribution of variation by "YoungPresent" to males in the "Gender" term, but not from females.

Please let me know what is the correct term for what I am looking for (Crossed? Nested?), and how I can correctly specify this structure in lme.


After suggestions from the first response, the code now looks like this 

    > str(df1$YvsNY
    num [1:6308] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

    > str(df1$MvsF)
    num [1:6308] -0.667 -0.667 -0.667 -0.667 -0.667 ...
    > dmd <- lme(dist~Age+MvsF+TempMax+MeanRain+herb1_dens+herb2_dens+YvsNY+herb3_dens, random  = ~1|ANIMALID/Month, data = df1

    > summary(lm1)
    Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
    Data: df1 
          AIC      BIC    logLik
     57915.15 57995.23 -28945.58
    Random effects:
    Formula: ~1 | ANIMALID
    StdDev:    7.923558
    Formula: ~1 | Month %in% ANIMALID
       (Intercept) Residual
    StdDev:    7.150394  33.4111
    Fixed effects: dist ~ Age + MvsF + TempMax + MeanRain + herb1_dens + herb2_dens +          YvsNY + herb3_dens 
                Value Std.Error   DF   t-value p-value
    (Intercept)  86.08050 10.468338 5639  8.222939  0.0000
    Age           1.47128  0.967371   10  1.520906  0.1593
    MvsF        -10.80126  5.214172   10 -2.071520  0.0651
    TempMax      -0.58513  0.136191 5639 -4.296398  0.0000
    MeanRain     -0.08233  0.020589  197 -3.998523  0.0001
    herb1_dens    0.53651  0.327763  197  1.636886  0.1033
    herb2_dens   -0.04928  0.032569  197 -1.513059  0.1319
    YvsNY        13.07835  4.435959  197  2.948257  0.0036
    herb3_dens    3.51159  1.797992  197  1.953061  0.0522

However, when I compare this to the original model formulation, I suspect that the dummy variables are not properly addressed in the lme(). I coded "MvsF" as -0.66667 for males and 0.3333 for all females, and yet the estimate, s.e. and probaliity is the same as using the original "gender" variate. 

    > str(df1$Gender)
    Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...

    > dmd2 <- lme(dist~Age+Gender+TempMax+MeanRain+herb1_dens+herb2_dens+YvsNY+herb3_dens, random  = ~1|ANIMALID/Month, data = df1

    Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
     Data: df1
       AIC      BIC    logLik
      57915.15 57995.23 -28945.58

    Random effects:
     Formula: ~1 | ANIMALID
    StdDev:    7.924217

     Formula: ~1 | Month %in% ANIMALID
        (Intercept) Residual
    StdDev:    7.150576 33.41108

    Fixed effects: dist ~ Age + Gender + TempMax + MeanRain + herb1_dens +      herb2_dens + YvsNY + herb3_dens 
               Value Std.Error   DF   t-value p-value
    (Intercept) 82.47974 10.290996 5639  8.014748  0.0000
    Age          1.47131  0.967439   10  1.520825  0.1593
    GenderMale  10.80111  5.214561   10  2.071337  0.0651
    TempMax     -0.58512  0.136191 5639 -4.296341  0.0000
    MeanRain    -0.08233  0.020590  197 -3.998450  0.0001
    herb1_den    0.53652  0.327768  197  1.636892  0.1032
    herb2_des   -0.04928  0.032570  197 -1.513020  0.1319
    YvsNY       13.07854  4.436096  197  2.948209  0.0036
    herb3_dens   3.51152  1.798025  197  1.952988  0.0522

I suspect that I need to call the MvsF using some kind of signal to lme() to let it know the values of MvsF are important, similarly to the way I might use factor(variate) or I(variate) inline to denote the way lme() should handle each variate. factor(MvsF clearly has no effect (basically what I have shown above), lme() does not treat the variables MvsF and Gender any differently. 

If what my @JakeWestfall suggests has been used correctly, then the only thing new that I have added to the model is the YvsNY where 'Males' are coded differently to 'Females with No Young', where in the original variate they were coded the same, 0. This has changed the model for sure, and looks more like its on the right path, but why did I code MvsF to THOSE values, if it changes nothing? I could easily have ONLY changed YoungPresent (0/1) to YvsNY (0, -.5, .5)....

One of the problems as I see it, is that males are *still* included in the YvsN variate - the parameter YvsN estimates a line that goes through three points on the x axis: the three levels of that variate - (-.5,0,.5 = Young, Male, No Young), and therefore Males are still contributing to the estimate of this variate - when I think they should not. I believe what I may need is similar to a grouping structure (in the random term?) where YvsN is nested within Gender (or MvsF, I think it doesn't matter) such that Males do not contribute to estimation of the YvsN parameter.

--------NEW Values of NvsNY and MvsF------------

    > table(df1$YvsNY)

    -0.5    0  0.5 
    1180 3172 1581 
    > table(df1$MvsF)

    -0.666666667  0.333333333 
        3172         2761