As a segue to my [prior post on this topic]( I want to share some tentative (albeit incomplete and flawed) exploration of the functions behind the linear algebra and related R functions. This is supposed to be a work in progress. Part of the opaqueness of the functions has to do with the "compact" form of the Householder $\mathbf {QR}$ decomposition. The idea behind the Householder decomposition is to reflect vectors across a hyperplane determined by a unit-vector $\mathbf u$ as in the diagram below, but picking this plane in a purposeful way so as to project every column vector of the original matrix $\bf A$ onto the $\bf e_1$ standard unit vector. The normalized norm-2 $1$ vector $\bf u$ can be used to compute the different Householder transformations $\mathbf{ I - 2\, uu^T x}$. [![enter image description here][1]][1] The resultant projection can be expressed as $\text{sign}(x_i=x_1)\times \lVert x \rVert \begin{bmatrix}1\\0\\0\\\vdots\\0\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}x_1\\x_2\\x_3\\\vdots\\x_m\end{bmatrix}$ The vector $\bf v$ represents the difference between the column vectors $\bf x$ in the matrix $\bf A$ that we want to decompose and the vectors $\bf y$ corresponding to the reflection across the subspace or "mirror" determined by $\bf u$. The method used by LAPACK liberates the need for storage of the first entry in the Householder reflectors by turning them into $1$'s. Instead of normalizing the vector $\bf v$ to $\bf u$ with $\lVert u\rVert= 1$, it is just the fist entry that is converted to a $1$; yet, these new vectors - call them $\bf w$ can still be used as a directional vectors. The beauty of the method is that given that $\bf R$ in a $\bf QR$ decomposition is upper triangular, we can actually take advantage of the $0$ elements in $\bf R$ below the diagonal to fill them in with these $\bf w$ reflectors. Thankfully, the leading entries in these vectors all equal $1$, preventing a problem in the "disputed" diagonal of the matrix: knowing that they are all $1$ they don't need to be included, and can yield the diagonal to the entries of $\bf R$. The "compact QR" matrix in the function `qr()$qr` can be understood as roughly the addition of the $\mathbf R$ matrix and the lower triangular "storage" matrix for the "modified" reflectors. The Householder projection will still have the form $\mathbf{ I - 2\, uu^T x}$, but we won't be working with $\bf u$ ($\lVert \bf x \rVert=1$), but rather with a vector $\bf w$, of which only the first entry is guanteed to be $1$, and $\mathbf{ I - 2\, \frac{w}{\lVert w \rVert} \frac{w^T}{\lVert w \rVert} x}$ $\large u[2:\text{length(u)}]/\tau$ with $\large u = \frac{\text{sign}(x_i=x_1)\times \lVert x \rVert \begin{bmatrix}1\\0\\0\\\vdots\\0\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}x_1\\x_2\\x_3\\\vdots\\x_m\end{bmatrix}}{\text{sign}(x_i=x_1)\times \lVert x \rVert + x[1]}$ and $\large \tau = \frac{1 + u[2:\text{length(u)}]^T\,u[2:\text{length(u)}]}{2}$. $PseudoQ [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 1.000 0.000 0.000 0 [2,] -0.148 1.000 0.000 0 [3,] 0.939 -0.675 1.000 0 [4,] 0.099 0.042 0.623 1 In this way $tau$ or other derived scalars, such as $\rho$ (in linked code page) can be easily stored to reproduce $Q$, while in the lower $0$ part of $R$ these "decapitated" $u$ vectors are neatly stored (in red below): [![enter image description here][2]][2] The equivalence between the manual and R functions are self-explanatory in the link to the code attached in Github. Although these computations are meant to facilitate working with block matrices, the intuition can be gained with a simple random matrix. All the code that follows is [here]( [1]: [2]: