To add a formal answer to the question, changing the position of the variables in the regressor matrix 
where $X_j=(x_{1j},\ldots,x_{nj})'$, amounts to postmultiplying $X$ with a $(p\times p)$ [permutation matrix $P$]( that has a single entry 1 in each column $j$ that indicates the new column position of that regressor $X_j$.

For example, if the new columns are to be the old columns 2, 1 and 3, we have

This matrix $P$ is invertible, being just a permuted version of the identity matrix.

Also, as is easy to check that $P'P=I$, $P^{-1}$ is equal to the transpose of $P$, $P^{-1}=P'$.

Thus, the OLS coefficient of the regression of $y$ on the transformed regressors is
Here, $P'$ is a matrix that permutes the *row* elements of $\hat\beta$, and hence permutes the entries of the coeffient estimator according to the permutation of the columns.