This looks like a typical task of *detecting components of a mixture distribution* with an umbrella topic being *finite mixture models*. If you use R, you don't need to implement K-means or other clustering algorithms, as there are enough **existing packages** that already do that and more. One of the most popular one - `mixtools` package ( - contains function `normalmixEM`, which is based on Expectation-Maximization algorithm and can be used to fit your data to a mixture of normal distributions. For more details and examples, see the package documentation and this blog post: You may find beneficial to read a brief introduction to mixture distributions prior to reading the above-mentioned post: Other related packages include `rebmix` (, `flexmix` ( and `mclust` (for detailed information, please see and Performing a **goodness-of-fit test** for estimating a mixture of normal distributions has been frequently discussed on *Cross Validated*. For example, check this discussion: Finally, the following paper might be of your interest, as it addresses the **intersection** of both topics, related to your question - *mixture analysis* and *speaker identification*. I hope that you will find it useful: