I'm fitting a model with a 2-level categorical and a numerical predictor. As far as I'm concerned, I cannot use ```car::LeveneTest()``` to assess homoscedasticity since I have a numerical predictor, right? **What should I use instead to assess homoscedasticity on both numerical and categorical predictors?** * expected error: ``` car::leveneTest(lmer(SCORE ~ EXAM_GRADE * TASK_TYPE + (1|ID), data = dfModels1, REML = F)) Error in leveneTest.default(lmer(SCORE ~ EXAM_GRADE * TASK_TYPE + (1 | : lmer(SCORE ~ EXAM_GRADE * TASK_TYPE + (1 | ID), data = dfModels1, REML = F) is not a numeric variable ``` * head(dfModels1): Each ```ID``` has a ```SCORE``` on two different ```TASKs```. They also have a score on another ```Exam Grade```. The basic idea is that ```Exam Grade``` predicts ```SCORE``` independenly of the task type. ``` ID SCORE EXAM_GRADE TASK_TYPE <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> 1 1_101 7.1 100 A 2 1_101 4.92 100 N 1 2_101 7.4 36 A 2 2_101 7 36 N ``` * Maybe the [Breusch-Pagan test][1] (such as ```performance::check_heteroscedasticity()``` does?) * Obs: I'm aware that I should prefer visual inspection instead, I'm also doing that, but **I'd like to find a way to assess the assumption numerically as well just in case**. [1]: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/280628/differences-between-breusch-pagan-test-and-levenes-test