This probably has been asked many a times, but I cannot find the answer. I'm trying to interpret the output that I get from lmer. My code is as follows: Model1<- lmer(DV ~ Eduy_IMP + Gender + Age + APOEdich_IMP + predictor + Time:Factor2:Factor1*predictor + (1 + Time|Study),Data) summary(Model1, ddf="Kenward-Roger") `DV` = Dependant variable; `Factor2` has levels 1,2,3; `Factor1` has levels 0, 1. Here is my Output: [![enter image description here][1]][1] My Question: I need to be able to report a coefficient for the predictor in the following groups: Predictor in each of the individual levels of `Factor1` and `Factor2`. How do I get this? I even tried having different data sets and running the above code, but I cannot get a coefficient for these. My aim is to see the influence of the predictor on the `DV` in `Factor1` and `Factor2`. Please could someone help? [1]: