I think there's a nice and simple intuition to be gained from the (independence-chain) Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.  

First, what's the goal?  The goal of MCMC is to draw samples from some probability distribution without having to know its exact height at any point.  The way MCMC achieves this is to "wander around" on that distribution in such a way that the amount of time spent in each location is proportional to the height of the distribution.  If the "wandering around" process is set up correctly, you can make sure that this proportionality (between time spent and height of the distribution) is achieved.

Intuitively, what we want to do is to to walk around on some (lumpy) surface in such a way that the amount of time we spend (or # samples drawn) in each location is proportional to the height of the surface at that location.  So, e.g., we'd like to spend twice as much time on a hilltop that's at an altitude of 100m as we do on a nearby hill that's at an altitude of 50m.  The nice thing is that we can do this even if we don't know the absolute heights of points on the surface: all we have to know are the *relative* heights.  e.g., if one hilltop A is twice as high as hilltop B, then we'd like to spend twice as much time at A as we spend at B.

The simplest variant of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (independence chain sampling) achieves this as follows: assume that in every (discrete) time-step, we pick a random new "proposed" location (selected uniformly across the entire surface). If the proposed location is higher than where we're standing now, move to it. If the proposed location is lower, then move to the new location with probability p, where p is the ratio of the height of that point to the height of the current location.  (i.e., flip a coin with a probability p of getting heads; if it comes up heads, move to the new location; if it comes up tails, stay where we are). Keep a list of the locations you've been at on every time step, and that list will(asymptotically) have the right proportion of time spent in each part of the surface.  (And for the A and B hills described above, you'll end up with twice the probability of moving from B to A as you have of moving from A to B).

There are more complicated schemes for proposing new locations and the rules for accepting them, but the basic idea is still: (1) pick a new "proposed" location; (2) figure out how much higher or lower that location is compared to your current location; (3) probabilistically stay put or move to that location in a way that respects the overall goal of spending time proportional to the height of the location.  

What is this useful for? Suppose we have a probabilistic model of the weather that allows us to evaluate A*P(weather), where A is an unknown constant. (This often happens--many models are convenient to formulate in a way such that you can't determine what A is).  So we can't exactly evaluate P("rain tomorrow").  However, we can run the MCMC sampler for a while and then ask: what fraction of the samples (or "locations") ended up in the "rain tomorrow" state.  That fraction will be the (model-based) probabilistic weather forecast.