Can anyone point me towards a good explanation of when a residualized variable in a regression will give you the same answer as using a non-residualized variable with controls? 

For instance, say I want to know the effect of a variable $x$ on $y$ and need to control for $a$ and $b$. In a classic linear model framework I can either add $a$ and $b$ as covariates (i.e., control variables) to the model of $y$ on $x$, or I can first regress $x$ on $a$ and $b$, and then use the residuals from this regression (the residualized $x$) to predict $y$. Both will give the same coefficient for $x$.

This works in the linear model case, but does a residualized $x$ give the same coefficient as $x$ with controls for other types of models, e.g., logit models or Poisson models? My own simple simulations suggest they do not (see R code below), but I am trying to understand why, and if residualization can ever be used in place of adding controls outside of the linear model framework. Can anyone point me towards a good explanation?

    #generate the data
    a=rnorm(n); b=rnorm(n)
    x = .4*a + .4*b*b + rnorm(n)
    y = .5*x + .3*a + .3*b*b + rnorm(n)

    ## LINEAR MODEL ####
    #a model with controls gets the right coefficient
    summary(lm(y ~ x + a + I(b^2)))
    residmod=lm(x ~ a + I(b^2))
    #using a residualized variable gets the same coefficient
    summary(lm(y ~ x.resid))

    ## LOGIT MODEL ####
    y=.5*x + .3*a + .3*b*b + rlogis(n)
    ydichot=ifelse(y >0, 1, 0)
    #a model with controls gets the right coefficient
    summary(glm(ydichot ~ x + a + I(b^2), family=binomial))
    #using a residualized variable does NOT get the same coefficient
    summary(glm(ydichot ~ x.resid, family=binomial))

    ## POISSON MODEL ####
    mu=exp(.5*x + .3*a + .3*b*b)
    ycount=rpois(n, mu)
    summary(glm(ycount ~ x + a + I(b^2), family=poisson))
    #using a residualized variable does NOT get the same coefficient
    summary(glm(ycount ~ x.resid, family=poisson))