I was working through [HMM][1] R package and used posterior as well as Viterbi algorithm:

    R> hmm = initHMM(c("A","B"), c("L","R"), transProbs=matrix(c(.8,.2,.2,.8),2),
    +       emissionProbs=matrix(c(.6,.4,.4,.6),2))

    R> observations = c("L","L","R","R")

    # Calculate posterior probablities of the states
    R> posterior = posterior(hmm,observations)
    R> print(posterior)
    states         1       2       3         4
         A 0.6037344 0.56639 0.43361 0.3962656
         B 0.3962656 0.43361 0.56639 0.6037344

    R> viterbi = viterbi(hmm,observations)
    R> print(viterbi)
    [1] "A" "A" "A" "A"

So in the above example if I would consider posterior results and take sequence of hidden states according to highest probability at each position, then I would get


    "A" "A" "B" "B"

 but the Viterbi algorithm tells me that the sequence is

    "A" "A" "A" "A"

My question is which sequence should I trust and why?

  [1]: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/HMM/index.html