Thanks to atireto's comment, I realized that I haven't taken into account the covariances between the estimated parameters. I was assuming that *a* and *b* are uncorrelated random variables, but they are not. So I corrected the sampling of *a* and *b* by converting them to correlated random variables using Cholesky decomposition of variance-covariance matrix ([see here][1]).

Here's the corrected code:

    rm(list = ls())
    n = 20     # number of points
    N = 10000  # simulation rounds
    x = 1:n    # x
    s = 200    # standard deviation of error
    e = rnorm(n, 0, s)
    a = 5; b = 5  # slope, intercept
    y = a * x + b + e
    ## lm model
    mod1 = lm(y ~ x)
    summ_mod1 = summary(mod1)
    ## std errors
    coefs = summ_mod1$coefficients[, 1:2]
    sigma = summ_mod1$sigma
    ## predict new data using simulation
    new.x = (min(x) - 2 * max(x)):(max(x) + 2 * max(x))
    upper = rep(0, length(new.x))
    lower = rep(0, length(new.x))
    tmp   = rep(0, N)
    for (i in 1:length(new.x)) {
      tmp = rnorm(n = N, mean = coefs[1, 1], sd = coefs[1, 2]) +
            rnorm(n = N, mean = coefs[2, 1], sd = coefs[2, 2]) * new.x[i] +
            rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
      upper[i] = mean(tmp) + 1.96 * sd(tmp)
      lower[i] = mean(tmp) - 1.96 * sd(tmp)
    plot(x, y, type = "p", 
         xlim = c(min(new.x), max(new.x)),
         ylim = c(min(lower), max(upper)))
    lines(new.x, lower, col = "blue")
    lines(new.x, upper, col = "blue")
    ## R's prediction interval =  predict(object = mod1, 
                        newdata = data.frame(x = new.x), 
                        interval = "predict",
                        level = 0.95)
    pred.lower =[,2]
    pred.upper =[,3]
    lines(new.x, pred.lower, col = "red")
    lines(new.x, pred.upper, col = "red")
    ## taking the variance-covariance matrix into account
    L = chol(vcov(mod1))
    for (i in 1:length(new.x)) {
      beta = matrix(c(rnorm(n = N),
                      rnorm(n = N)), 
                    nrow = 2)
      beta_cor = t(L) %*% beta
      tmp = coefs[1, 1] + beta_cor[1, ] +
            (coefs[2, 1] + beta_cor[2, ]) * new.x[i] +
            rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
      upper[i] = mean(tmp) + 1.96 * sd(tmp)
      lower[i] = mean(tmp) - 1.96 * sd(tmp)
    lines(new.x, lower, col = "green")
    lines(new.x, upper, col = "green")
    legend(x = -40, y = 1600, 
           legend = c("sim - without cor", "sim - with co", "predict.lm"),
           lty = c(1, 1, 1),
           col = c("blue", "green", "red"))

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

It still doesn't perfectly match the R's predict.lm result, but it's very close. In fact, if I change the 1.96 coefficient to something like 2.1, it matches it perfectly. Predict.lm is supposed to be 95% prediction interval, so I'm not sure this is happening.
