It's been too long since I have taken a stats course, and I'm struggling to figure out what the proper test is for this experiment I'm designing. - There are two conditions: A and B - There is one continuous dependent variable that is measured as the outcome of each trial (each trial is of condition A or condition B) - There are approx. 30 subjects - Each subject will do 5 trials with condition A, and 5 trials with condition B - The order in which the subject does the trials is randomized) - I'm trying to show that the value of the dependent variable is significantly higher with condition A than it is with condition B The main issue for me is trying to figure out how to handle each subject doing each condition multiple times. Would this be some sort of one-way ANOVA with blocking by subject? Or maybe repeated measures within subjects? Any tips would be great! Secondary question: for whatever the correct answer to the above is, what would be the equivalent non-parametric test?