I'm playing the [FIFA Panini Online Sticker Album][1], which is an Internet adaption of the classic Panini albums that are usually published for the soccer world cup, European championship, and possibly other tournaments.

The album has placeholders for 424 different stickers. The purpose of the game is to collect all 424. The stickers come in packs of 5, which can be obtained throught codes found online (or, in case of the classic printed album, bought at your local newsstand).

I make the following assumptions:

- All stickers are published in the same quantity. 
- One pack of stickers does not contain duplicates.  

How can I find out how many packs of stickers I need to acquire in order to be _reasonably sure_ (let's say 90%) that I have all 424 unique stickers?

  [1]: http://www.fifa.com/stickeralbum