Make a plot, and see that these confidence intervals are very much like each other. [![plot for comparison][1]][1] So the two features 'indirect19' and 'indirect20' are border cases. This makes the question not only about which method is best (and all sort of details about both methods which are *estimations* and not exact, thus likely to slightly differ), but it also opens up the can of worms about p-values at the border of a predefined significance level (e.g. or The appropriateness of reporting only one set of p-values... In this case it doesn't really have much influence, but the behaviour is not very good. It can be considered p-hacking. People perform some experiment and, when the result is not very accurate, instead of gathering more data to be more sure, they try out many different statistical tricks to make the results look better than they really are. It is better to just report everything that you did and represent the data for what it is, without cherry picking regarding p-values. If it is not very significant then it is just not significant. In the end, what matters is actually the effect size, and significance is just a measure of the precision in the experiment. [1]: