The problem is valid and can be solved by **Projected Gradient Descent**, where we project the solution to L2 ball constraint. Check my answer [here]( for details. In Projected Gradient Decent, the projection step is another optimization problem.In this problem, we want to find a point in $C$ (constraint set), this point is closest to a given point $x^*$. Which is $$ \underset{x \in C}{\text{arg min}} \|x-x^*\| $$ In certain cases, this optimization problem is easy to solve and have closed from for example, box constraint or L2 ball. For L2 ball, the solution is: $$ \underset{x \in C}{\text{arg min}} \|x-x^*\|=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x^* & \|x^*\| \leq r \\ r \frac {x^*} {\|x\|} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right. $$ The equation tells, if the point is inside of the constraint domain, then the projection is the point itself. And I will demonstrate the $r \frac {x^*} {\|x\|}$ case graphically, check the points (labeled with numbers) in blue track and red track, the relationship is easy: connect the blue dots with the center of the circle, the intersection with the circle is the projection. The following figure gives how it works visually: where the red trace is projected gradient decent trace. In the experiment, I set a large $\lambda$ on L1 regularization, and the optimal point is close to the origin. We can clear see the projected solution (red dots) is on the unit circle. [![enter image description here][1]][1] PS: R code if you want to experiment more. ---------- fn<-function(x,A,b,l1,l2){ e=A %*% x - b v=crossprod(e)+l2*crossprod(x)+l1*sum(abs(x)) return(c(v)) } gr<-function(x,A,b,l1,l2){ v=t(A) %*% (A %*% x -b) return(2*c(v)+2*l2*x+l1*sign(x)) } set.seed(0) par(cex=1) n_data=10 n_feature=2 A=matrix(runif(n_data*n_feature),ncol=n_feature) b=matrix(runif(n_data),ncol=1) l1=50 l2=0 # plot obj function x1=seq(-5,5,0.05) x2=seq(-5,5,0.05) d=expand.grid(x1,x2) f_v=matrix(apply(d,1,fn, A=A, b=b, l1=l1 , l2=l2),nrow=length(x1)) contour(x1,x2,f_v, lwd=3, labcex=1,col='khaki4', xlim=c(-5,5),ylim=c(-5,5)) grid() constraint_v=outer(x1,x2,function(x,y) x^2+y^2-1) contour(x1,x2,constraint_v, lwd=3, levels=0, add=T,col="forestgreen",labcex=1.5) # solve the unconstrained optimization using toolbox opt_res=optimx::optimx(c(-1,-1),fn, gr, method="BFGS", A=A, b=b, l1=l1 , l2=l2) opt_x=c(opt_res$p1,opt_res$p2) points(opt_x[1],opt_x[2],pch=19,col="black") #------------------------------------------------------------------- # all algorithms fix step size # solve unconstrained optimization using gradient decent x_init=c(-2,-3) t=0.0001 f_opt=opt_res$value x=x_init trace_x=x_init while(fn(x, A, b, l1 , l2)- f_opt> 1e-2){ x=x-t*gr(x, A=A, b=b, l1=l1 , l2=l2) trace_x=rbind(trace_x,x) print(x) } # for GD we just plot points not string labels points(trace_x,type='b',pch=19) # solve constrained optimization using projected gradient decent # x_d means desired place to go, x means after projection x_init=c(-2,-3) t=0.0001 x=x_init f_opt=opt_res$value trace_x=x_init trace_x_d=x_init while(fn(x, A, b, l1 , l2)-f_opt>1e-2){ x_d=x-t*gr(x, A=A, b=b, l1=l1 , l2=l2) trace_x_d=rbind(trace_x_d,x_d) if(norm(x_d,'2')<1){ x=x_d } else{ x=1*x_d/norm(x_d,'2') } trace_x=rbind(trace_x,x) } trace_x=head(trace_x) trace_p=head(trace_x_d) points(trace_x_d,type='b',col=4,pch=19,lwd=3) points(trace_x,type='b',col=2,pch=19,lwd=3) legend(1,-0.7,c('obj contour','constraint', 'gd unconstrained', 'gd before projection', 'gd after projection'), lwd=3,col=c("khaki4",'forestgreen','black','blue','red')) [1]: