I am trying to do some kind of parameter values optimization loop with Random Forest, which is going to vary different set of parameter values.

I am going to explain it on base of the `iris` dataset:

**Goal -->** I need to get as many species of `setosa` as possible

**The way -->** i must find the best (representative) combination of: `"Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Length","Petal.Width"` values, which **most probably are going to result in species setosa** and not any other species. 

I would appreciate any help as i cannot find any hint or way how to handle this problem.

--> mean of the parameters set in the group of setosa is not sufficient! (as in my original dataset the difference between groups are not that clear).


I have found a similar question on [cross validated][1] (but my target value is a factor, not numeric as in this case), however it has not been answered. 

  [1]: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/205145/find-max-value-of-random-forest-regressor-output