β_hat = ([inv(X'X)]X')(Xβ + epsilon)
β_hat = β + ([inv(X'X)]X')epsilon

β_hat is an unbiased estimator of β under two conditions:

1. X is non-stochastic

E(β_hat) = β + E[([inv(X'X)]X')epsilon]

if X is deterministic,  this would reduce to;

E(β_hat) = β + ([inv(X'X)]X') E[epsilon]

The second term on right hand side, E[epsilon] is zero under one of the Gauss markov assumption. 

2. X is stochastic but independent of error(epsilon)

Using this, we can reduce the equation to;

E(β_hat) = β + inv(X'X)] E[(X')epsilon]

where E[(X')epsilon] = 0 from an assumption that comes from one of the OLS's properties, E[X'e] = 0. 



