Apparently, `basehaz` actually computes a cumulative hazard rate, rather than the hazard rate itself. The formula is a follows:
\hat{H}_0(t) = \sum_{y_{(l)} \leq t} \hat{h}_0(y_{(l)}),
\hat{h}_0(y_{(l)}) = \frac{d_{(l)}}{\sum_{j \in R(y_{(l)})} \exp(\mathbf{x}^{\prime}_j \mathbf{\beta})}
where $y_{(1)} < y_{(2)} < \cdots$ denote the distinct event times, $d_{(l)}$ is the number of events at $y_{(l)}$, and $R(y_{(l)})$ is the risk set at $y_{(l)}$ containing all individuals still susceptible to the event at $y_{(l)}$. 

Let's try this.

    #------some data------
    tab <- data.frame(table(kidney[kidney$status == 1, "time"])) 
    y <- as.numeric(levels(tab[, 1]))[tab[, 1]] #ordered distinct event times
    d <- tab[, 2]                               #number of events
    #------Cox model------
    fit<-coxph(Surv(time, status)~age, data=kidney)
    #------cumulative hazard obtained from basehaz()------
    H0 <- basehaz(fit, centered=FALSE)
    H0 <- H0[H0[, 2] %in% y, ] #only keep rows where events occurred
    #------my quick implementation------
    betaHat <- fit$coef

    h0 <- rep(NA, length(y))
    for(l in 1:length(y))
      h0[l] <- d[l] / sum(exp(kidney[kidney$time >= y[l], "age"] * betaHat))
    cbind(H0, cumsum(h0))

partial output:

           hazard time cumsum(h0)
    1  0.01074980    2 0.01074980
    5  0.03399089    7 0.03382306
    6  0.05790570    8 0.05757756
    7  0.07048941    9 0.07016127
    8  0.09625105   12 0.09573508
    9  0.10941921   13 0.10890324
    10 0.13691424   15 0.13616338