Usually, you would not care about both of them simultaneously. Depending on the goal of your analysis (say, description vs. prediction), you would only care about one. 

* For description, multicollinearity is just a fact to be mentioned, just one of the characteristics of the data. 
* For prediction, multicollinearity and omitted variable bias are largely irrelevant as you are not interested in model's coefficients *per se*, only in predictions. 

You may care about both of them at once when attempting to do causal inference. I will argue that you should actually worry about the omitted variable bias but not multicollinearity. Omitted variable bias results from a faulty model (a cause in contrast to the characteristics of the underlying phenomenon). You can remedy it by changing the model. Meanwhile, impecrfect multicollinearity can very well arise in a well specified model as a characteristic of the underlying phenomenon. Given the well specified model and the data that you have, there is no sound escape from multicollinearity . In that sense you should just acknowledge it and the resulting uncertainty in your parameter estimates and inference.


**Edit** to respond to feedback by @LSC:  

In defence of my statement that omitted variable bias (OVB) is largely irrelevant for prediction, let us first see what OVB is. According to [Wikipedia][1], 

> In statistics, omitted-variable bias (OVB) occurs when a statistical model leaves out one or more relevant variables. The bias results in the model attributing the effect of the missing variables to the estimated effects of the included variables. More specifically, OVB is the bias that appears in the estimates of parameters in a regression analysis, when the assumed specification is incorrect in that it omits an independent variable that is a determinant of the dependent variable and correlated with one or more of the included independent variables. 

In prediction, we do not care about the estimated effects but rather accurate predictions. Hence, my statement above should become obvious. 

Regarding the statement *OVB will necessarily introduce bias into the estimation process and can screw with predictions* by @LSC. 

* This is tangential to my points because I did not discuss the effect of omitting a variable on prediction. I only discussed the relevance of omitted variable bias for prediction. The two are not the same.
* I agree that omitting a variable does affect prediction under imperfect multicollinearity. While this would not be called OVB (see the Wikipedia quote above for what OVB typically means), this is a real issue. The question is, how important is that under multicollinearity? I will argue, not so much. 
* Under multicollinearity, the information set of all the regressors vs. the reduced set without one regressor are close. As a consequence, the loss of predictive accuracy from omitting a regressor is small, and the loss shrinks with the degree of multicollinearity. This should come as no surprise. We are routinely omitting regressors in predictive models so as to exploit the bias-variance trade-off. 
* Also, the linear prediction is unbiased w.r.t. the reduced information set, and as I mentioned above, that information set is close to the full information set under multicollinearity. The coefficient estimators are also predictively consistent; see ["T-consistency vs P-consistency"]( for a related point.
