I think I got the solution for the OOB RMSE, using `keep.inbag=T` from `randomForest`. First you can use `predict` in order to get the predictions from the model for your response, than simply evaluate using the [RMSE][1] formula: Rf_model <- randomForest(mpg ~., data = mtcars) rf_pred <- predict(Rf_model, mtcars) # predictions sqrt(sum(rf_pred - mtcars$mpg)^2) #RMSE #[1] 0.1781314 You can get fancy and make a custom rmse function to call: rmse_function <- function(pred, actual) { sqrt(sum(pred - actual)^2) } rmse_function(rf_pred, mtcars$mpg) #[1] 0.1781314 But this is the overall RMSE on train data. **Not the OOB**. We can probably calculate the OOB RMSE by keeping track of which observation is kept "outside" in each `n_tree` in the forest. Then we can use this to subset the data in order to make the prediction using *only* these rows. (The out of bag obs) Following this idea, we will have to make `n_tree` predictions, using only the subset of observations that for each tree is kept "out". We will have then `n_tree` RMSE, and we can average those to have an averate RMSE of the OOB observations. n_tree = 50 Rf_model <- randomForest(mpg ~., ntree = n_tree, data = mtcars, keep.inbag=T) # we use keep.inbag = T inbag <- lapply(1:n_tree, function(x) which(Rf_model[["inbag"]][ ,x] == 0)) # we get only the "zeros" # to look inside use View(Rf_model[["inbag"]]), I think that the zeros are the OOB rf_pred <- lapply(inbag, function(x) predict(Rf_model, mtcars[x, ])) # predictions (oob_err <- map2_dbl(rf_pred, inbag, function(x, y) rmse_function(x, mtcars[y, ]$mpg))) # [1] 1.03926667 0.01556667 2.98096667 1.27210000 1.86380000 2.25883333 3.49130000 0.18763333 1.59326667 0.11236667 # [11] 6.92163333 0.40183333 3.36586667 1.19960000 1.31833333 2.88373333 4.48326667 1.67406667 6.92566667 8.51793333 # [21] 3.32893333 0.65510000 3.87440000 1.89276667 3.51290000 3.13026667 4.81453333 0.59756667 1.56783333 6.12180000 # [31] 3.54490000 0.57406667 0.20236667 2.20220000 0.23226667 1.61360000 0.32690000 1.86300000 3.38393333 3.33723333 # [41] 1.43760000 6.63860000 0.13120000 1.48580000 1.32950000 2.85310000 2.01306667 2.16363333 4.80706667 1.74310000 mean(oob_err) # mean of the RMSEs #[1] 2.477725 [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root-mean-square_deviation