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Techniques for analyzing the relationship between one (or more) "dependent" variables and "independent" variables.

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How to estimate error of regression parameters from data with errors

I'm a physics student and in school we often measure some data (like voltage and current) and then use regression to determine an unknown quantity (ie. resistance in this case). … Via the weighted least squares regression we find the values of $a_j$ which are the "measurements" of $A_j$. How can one estimate the standard error of such measurement? …
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Correct way to fit a line in 3D (x-position vs y-position vs other quantity)

If $(x,y,B)$ were an actual physical space, the correct way would be to do an Orthogonal Distance Regression of a line right away. … The second thing that came across my mind would be to do an ODR to find the line in $(x,y)$, then project all points on that line and do Linear Regression on $(B,d)$. …
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