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Techniques for analyzing the relationship between one (or more) "dependent" variables and "independent" variables.

1 vote

Why do we need clearly defined variables as response/dependent variables?

If you want to predict when a brand has high customer value, then the variable measuring that concept becomes the dependent variable in an analysis, which could be logistic regression, for example. … Which is the appropriate staistical method often depends on the distribution of the variable, which in case of dichotomous variables like answers to yes/no questions is often binomial, and hence logistic regression
tomka's user avatar
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1 vote

Significance cutoff point for multiple testing

Assuming a large sample, I suggest using cross-validation. Randomly split your data set in two (or more) sub-sets Build your model on one sub-set of the data using the Bonferroni correction you su …
tomka's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Testing whether error variances of two regression models are equal

Assume you have two linear regression models, one regressing $Y_1$ on $X_1$ the other $Y_2$ on $X_2$. This gives error variance $\sigma_1^2$ and $\sigma_2^2$. …
tomka's user avatar
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Regression through origin - closed form of slope estimator? [duplicate]

I am interested in the case when we have a linear regression model through the origin $(0,0)$. …
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2 votes
1 answer

Showing independence of sample means and regression coefficients

In words, I would like to show that sample means and OLS regression coefficient estimates are independent random variables. Can you provide guidance on how to approach the problem? …
tomka's user avatar
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2 votes

How to extract dependence on a single variable when independent variables are correlated?

A --correct-- regression model of the type discussed above will also provide a correct treamtent estimate. … I have once discussed the use of regression models for estimating average treatment effects from observational studies here …
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2 votes

Using a set of binary logistic regressions with multiple choice categorical response variable

The choice between one multinomial and a series of logistic regressions is in most cases relatively artificial. Since in both approaches you select one baseline category (reference) with regard to whi …
tomka's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is the name of an experimental design where stimuli are sampled from a large pool and p...

The background of the following question is a research proposal on which I currently advise. I believe the type of experimental design is adequate to the question. However, it turns out hard to commun …
tomka's user avatar
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3 votes

Given probability x, how likely is it that probability y is due to chance?

I think that the term 'by chance' is not clearly defined as long as you do not have a specific hypothesis you want to test. You could regard the full text as your population. The complete 'census' o …
tomka's user avatar
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0 votes

How to correctly predict from orthogonalized covariates on new data in polynomial regression?

The answer is to use the coefs argument of poly. The coefficients used in the orthogonal transformation are saved as attributes in a poly object. They have to be saved for later use. In the implemen …
tomka's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How should I determine degrees of freedom for t-test in ordinal regression?

I consider a proportional odds (ordinal regression) model, as described in Agresti (2002) and estimated by R base package function MASS. The software reports t-values but no p-values in summary. … In simple linear regression $df=n-2$ where $n$ the sample size. Is this also the case for ordinal linear regression? …
tomka's user avatar
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What is the marginal variance of the mean of $y$ if I only know the variance of the conditio...

The background are model-based estimates for $\hat{E}(y|x)$ and $V(\hat{E}(y|x))$, as in regression. …
tomka's user avatar
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4 votes

Machine learning to estimate p(y>N | X) where N is a duration

The classification problem $P(Z=1|X)$ then can be solved by machine learning or other regression models, such as logistic regression or SVM or any other technique you like. … However there are also survival models using for example random forests or regression trees which are more flexible. …
tomka's user avatar
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1 vote

Endogenous treatment effects: exogenous covariates

In structural models, you would add $Z_3$ to both equations. It will then have a direct effect $\beta_{z31}$, an indirect effect $(\beta_{x}\beta_{z32})$, and a total effect (sum of both) on $Y_i$. Om …
tomka's user avatar
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1 vote

How to test for mediation when working with binary data?

You can easily model this in structural modeling software such as Mplus. You need a model of X --> Z --> Y where Z is the mediator and inspect fit and/or residual correlations. If the model fit is p …
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