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T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithm introduced by van der Maaten and Hinton in 2008.

34 votes

Intuitive explanation of how UMAP works, compared to t-SNE

You said that your understanding of t-SNE is based on and you are looking for an explanation of UMAP on a similar level. I watched this video and it is pret …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
12 votes

Why does larger perplexity tend to produce clearer clusters in t-SNE?

The larger the perplexity, the more non-local information will be retained in the dimensionality reduction result. Yes, I believe that this is a correct intuition. The way I think about perplexi …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
5 votes

Perplexity formula in the t-SNE paper vs. in the implementation

For a given $i$, the similarities $p_{j|i}$ are obtained from Euclidean distances $d_{ij}$ via a Gaussian similarity kernel and then normalized to sum to one: $$p_{j|i} = \frac{\exp(-\beta d_{ij})}{\s …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
28 votes

How can t-SNE or UMAP embed new (test) data, given that they are nonparametric?

The figure above is from which is a companion repository to this paper: …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
11 votes

Why can't t-SNE capture a simple parabola structure?

%matplotlib notebook import numpy as np import pylab as plt import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from sklearn.manifold import TSNE x = np.arange(-5, 5.001, .5)[:,None] y = x**2 X = np.concatenate((x,y),axis … =1) Z = TSNE(n_components=1, method='exact', perplexity=2, early_exaggeration=2, learning_rate=1, random_state=42).fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=(8,2)) plt.scatter(Z, Z*0, s …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
18 votes

Should dimensionality reduction for visualization be considered a "closed" problem, solved b...

Somebody linked to this very popular account of some shortcomings of t-SNE: (+1), but it only discusses very simple toy datasets and I find that it does not correspond …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
6 votes

The usage of "variance" (vs. "standard deviation") in the 2008 t-SNE paper

You are right. It is clear from Equation (1) that $\sigma_i$ denotes the standard deviation and not the variance. So the text should have said (for reasonable values of the variance of the Gaussia …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
73 votes

Clustering on the output of t-SNE

I am well aware of the ways in which t-SNE output may be misleading (see and I agree that it can produce weird results in some situations. …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
24 votes

What is the meaning of the axes in t-SNE?

Individual axes in t-SNE have no meaning at all. Algorithms such as MDS, SNE, t-SNE, etc. only care about pairwise distances between points. They try to position the points on a plane such that the p …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
3 votes

Why do I get weird results when using high perpexity in t-SNE?

A popular t-SNE tutorial says The image for perplexity 100, with merged clusters, illustrates a pitfall: for the algorithm to operate properly, the perplexity … As explained by Laurens van der Maaten, I just had one small remark: you show some results with perplexity 100 that are a complete mess. …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k
11 votes

What is meant by PCA preserving only large pairwise distances?

Consider the following dataset: PC1 axis is maximizing the variance of the projection. So in this case it will obviously go diagonally from lower-left to upper-right corner: The largest pairwise …
amoeba's user avatar
  • 107k