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2 votes

"Strength" of cointegration

A function of this first eigenvalue is a test statistic for the null of no cointegration, see The eigen values of Johansen's cointegration procedure, viz. $$ -T\log(1-\hat\lambda_1) $$ To the ...
Christoph Hanck's user avatar
2 votes

ECM: adding I(0) to long-term relation

Let's build ECM from ground up following a general idea in Engle, Granger (1987). regress the non-stationary part on $x_1$: $$ y_t=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{1t}+\varepsilon_t $$ obtain the residuals $\hat\...
Aksakal's user avatar
  • 62.3k
1 vote

ECM: adding I(0) to long-term relation

First, it is impossible that $x_2$ affects $y$ but not $\Delta y$. Given the history of $y_t$ up to time $t-1$, what affects $y_t$ will also affect $\Delta y_t$; after all, the latter is the same $y_t$...
Richard Hardy's user avatar

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