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111 votes

Maximum Mean Discrepancy (distance distribution)

It might help to give slightly more of an overview of MMD.$\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\mathbb E}\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}\newcommand{\X}{\mathcal X}\newcommand{\h}{\mathcal H}\newcommand{\F}{\mathcal F}...
Danica's user avatar
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30 votes

How can this counterintiutive result with the Mahalanobis distance be explained?

"Why not draw a picture?" asks @mhdadk. Why not indeed? Here are contours of the Mahalanobis distance/Gaussian likelihood centred at T (17, 4) (open ...
Thomas Lumley's user avatar
28 votes

Cosine Distance as Similarity Measure in KMeans

It should be the same, for normalized vectors cosine similarity and euclidean similarity are connected linearly. Here's the explanation: Cosine distance is actually cosine similarity: $\cos(x,y) = \...
Cherny's user avatar
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25 votes

What's the maximum value of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence

Or even with the same support, when one distribution has a much fatter tail than the other. Take $$KL(P\vert\vert Q) = \int p(x)\log\left(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}\right) \,\text{d}x$$ when $$p(x)=\overbrace{\...
Xi'an's user avatar
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22 votes

What are the pros and cons of using mahalanobis distance instead of propensity scores in matching

Mahalanobis distance matching (MDM) and propensity score matching (PSM) are methods of doing the same thing, which is to find a subset of control units similar to treated units to arrive at a balanced ...
Noah's user avatar
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19 votes

Why is Kullback-Leilbler divergence a better metric for measuring distance between two probability distributions than squared error?

Overview: KL-Divergence is derived from the Shannon entropy. The Shannon entropy is the amount of information contained in a signal X with distribution $\mathrm{P}(X)$. The cross entropy is the ...
Skander H.'s user avatar
  • 12.1k
18 votes

Bottom to top explanation of the Mahalanobis distance?

I'd like to add a little technical information to Whuber's excellent answer. This information might not interest grandma, but perhaps her grandchild would find it helpful. The following is a bottom-to-...
Sycorax's user avatar
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18 votes

How to measure the statistical "distance" between two frequency distributions?

You may be interested in the Earth mover's distance, also known as the Wasserstein metric. It is implemented in R (look at the emdist package) and in Python. We ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
17 votes

What's the maximum value of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence

For distributions which do not have the same support, KL divergence is not bounded. Look at the definition: $$KL(P\vert\vert Q) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x)\ln\left(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}\right) dx$$ ...
Carlos Campos's user avatar
16 votes

Statistical significance of difference between distances

The question of "significantly" different always, always presupposes a statistical model for the data. This answer proposes one of the most general models that is consistent with the minimal ...
whuber's user avatar
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14 votes

Which distance to use? e.g., manhattan, euclidean, Bray-Curtis, etc

Choosing the right distance is not an elementary task. When we want to make a cluster analysis on a data set, different results could appear using different distances, so it's very important to be ...
Gonzalo Espinosa Duelo's user avatar
14 votes

Maximum Mean Discrepancy (distance distribution)

Here is how I interpretted MMD. Two distributions are similar if their moments are similar. By applying a kernel, I can transform the variable such that all moments (first, second, third etc.) are ...
Rajiv Sambasivan's user avatar
13 votes

Intuition of the Bhattacharya Coefficient and the Bhattacharya distance?

The Bhattacharyya coefficient is $$ BC(h,g)= \int \sqrt{h(x) g(x)}\; dx $$ in the continuous case. There is a good wikipedia article How to ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
12 votes

Comparing two histograms using Chi-Square distance

@Silverfish asked for an expansion of the answer by PolatAlemdar, which was not given, so I will try to expand on it here. Why the name chisquare distance? The chisquare test for contingency tables ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
11 votes

Coupling and Total variational distance

There are at least 2 ways to compute the total variation distance. The first is by using the definition of Total variation distance: $TV(\mu,\nu)=\sup_{ A\in \mathcal{F}}\left|\mu(A)-\nu(A)\right|,$ ...
Lucas Roberts's user avatar
11 votes

Is one-hot encoding and standardization of data equivalent to Gower's distance?

One hot encoding and then standardization puts much more weight on the categoricial variables. In particular, rare values will get a big distance. Gowers feels a bit more balanced to me. But in the ...
Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse's user avatar
11 votes

Intuition behind Weight of Evidence and Information Value formula

It can be difficult to find sources giving precise definitions and good explanations of these concepts ... there is one R package at CRAN woe with a function ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
10 votes

What is a practical explanation of affine equivariance and why does it matter for a covariance estimator?

I will first recall the property formally: Given an $n$ by $p$, $n>p$ data matrix $X$, an affine equivariant estimator of location and scatter $(m(X), S(X))$ is one for which: $$(0)\quad m(A X)=A ...
user603's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the inverse square of a distance (Euclidean)?

Imagine that we want to classify as red or blue the unknown gray point in the data cloud. Your algorithm is set up to measure ...
Antoni Parellada's user avatar
10 votes

Do Autoencoders preserve distances?

No, they don't. We basically design them so that they cannot preserve distances. An autoencoder is a neural network which learns a "meaningful" representation of the input, preserving its "semantic" ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the intuitive difference between Wasserstein-1 distance and Wasserstein-2 distance?

The answer boils down to the difference between the distance and its squared value. Assume we use the Euclidean distance, and imagine we want to transform a histogram $P_S$ whose bins are $x\in \...
Saleh's user avatar
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9 votes

Similarity metrics for more than two vectors?

The cosine similarity between two column vectors $x_1$ and $x_2$ is simply the dot product between their unit vectors $$\mathrm{CosSim}[x_1,x_2]=\frac{x_1}{\|x_1\|}\bullet\frac{x_2}{\|x_2\|}$$ and ...
GeoMatt22's user avatar
  • 13.1k
9 votes

Clustering with Latent dirichlet allocation (LDA): Distance Measure

LDA does not have a distance metric The intuition behind the LDA topic model is that words belonging to a topic appear together in documents. Unlike typical clustering algorithms like K-Means, it ...
kedarps's user avatar
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9 votes

How to use Gower's Distance with DBSCAN algorithm in Python

While gower distance hasn't been fully implemented into scikit-learn as a ready-to-use metric, we are lucky that many of the clustering-related functions (e.g., ...
Chris Tokita's user avatar
9 votes

Best practices in the selection of distance metric and clustering methods for gene expression data

This will probably not be the answer you want or expect, but this is how I see these things. Clustering problem Clustering, to a degree, is almost always a subjective procedure. You decide how you ...
Karolis Koncevičius's user avatar
9 votes

Multivariate Wasserstein metric for $n$-dimensions

Wasserstein in 1D is a special case of optimal transport. Both the R wasserstein1d and Python scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance ...
develarist's user avatar
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8 votes

Finding the best path through the matrix in DTW

You have presented a matrix showing the pointwise distance computed by using the squared Euclidean distance. Each element of this matrix will be referred to as ...
Nikolas Rieble's user avatar
8 votes

What is the purpose of row normalization

This is a relatively old thread but I recently encountered this issue in my work and stumbled upon this discussion. The question has been answered but I feel that the danger of normalizing the rows ...
Krrr's user avatar
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8 votes

Intuition on the Kullback–Leibler (KL) Divergence

The textbook Elements of Information Theory gives us an example: For example, if we knew the true distribution p of the random variable, we could construct a code with average description length H(p)....
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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8 votes

Does Mercer's theorem work in reverse?

Does Mercer's theorem work in reverse? Not in all cases. Wikipedia: "In mathematics, specifically functional analysis, Mercer's theorem is a representation of a symmetric positive-definite function ...
Rob's user avatar
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