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125 votes

Why do we use Kullback-Leibler divergence rather than cross entropy in the t-SNE objective function?

KL divergence is a natural way to measure the difference between two probability distributions. The entropy $H(p)$ of a distribution $p$ gives the minimum possible number of bits per message that ...
user20160's user avatar
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117 votes

What is the difference between Cross-entropy and KL divergence?

You will need some conditions to claim the equivalence between minimizing cross entropy and minimizing KL divergence. I will put your question under the context of classification problems using cross ...
doubllle's user avatar
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114 votes

What is the advantages of Wasserstein metric compared to Kullback-Leibler divergence?

When considering the advantages of Wasserstein metric compared to KL divergence, then the most obvious one is that W is a metric whereas KL divergence is not, since KL is not symmetric (i.e. $D_{KL}(P|...
antike's user avatar
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78 votes

Why KL divergence is non-negative?

Proof 1: First note that $\ln a \leq a-1$ for all $a \gt 0$. We will now show that $-D_{KL}(p||q) \leq 0$ which means that $D_{KL}(p||q) \geq 0$ \begin{align} -D(p||q)&=-\sum_x p(x)\ln \frac{p(...
Andreas G.'s user avatar
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52 votes

Deriving the KL divergence loss for VAEs

The encoder distribution is $q(z|x)=\mathcal{N}(z|\mu(x),\Sigma(x))$ where $\Sigma=\text{diag}(\sigma_1^2,\ldots,\sigma^2_n)$. The latent prior is given by $p(z)=\mathcal{N}(0,I)$. Both are ...
user3658307's user avatar
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39 votes

What is the advantages of Wasserstein metric compared to Kullback-Leibler divergence?

Wasserstein metric most commonly appears in optimal transport problems where the goal is to move things from a given configuration to a desired configuration in the minimum cost or minimum distance. ...
Lucas Roberts's user avatar
37 votes

What is the difference between Cross-entropy and KL divergence?

I suppose it is because the models usually work with the samples packed in mini-batches. For KL divergence and Cross-Entropy, their relation can be written as $$H(p, q) = D_{KL}(p, q)+H(p) = -\sum_i{...
zewen liu's user avatar
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28 votes

Why are there extra terms $-p_i+q_i$ in SciPy's implementation of Kullback-Leibler divergence?

The other answer tells us why we don't usually see the $-p_i+q_i$ term: $p$ and $q$ are usually residents of the simplex and so sum to one, so this leads to $\sum - [p_i - q_i] = \sum - p_i + \sum q_i ...
John Madden's user avatar
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27 votes

Kullback-Leibler divergence WITHOUT information theory

There is a purely statistical approach to Kullback-Leibler divergence: take a sample $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ iid from an unknown distribution $p^\star$ and consider the potential fit by a family of ...
Xi'an's user avatar
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25 votes

What's the maximum value of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence

Or even with the same support, when one distribution has a much fatter tail than the other. Take $$KL(P\vert\vert Q) = \int p(x)\log\left(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}\right) \,\text{d}x$$ when $$p(x)=\overbrace{\...
Xi'an's user avatar
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24 votes

How should I intuitively understand the KL divergence loss in variational autoencoders?

The KL divergence tells us how well the probability distribution Q approximates the probability distribution P by calculating the cross-entropy minus the entropy. Intuitively, you can think of that as ...
zoozoo's user avatar
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22 votes

Can KL-Divergence ever be greater than 1?

The Kullback-Leibler divergence is unbounded. Indeed, since there is no lower bound on the $q(i)$'s, there is no upper bound on the $p(i)/q(i)$'s. For instance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence ...
Xi'an's user avatar
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22 votes

Why are there extra terms $-p_i+q_i$ in SciPy's implementation of Kullback-Leibler divergence?

The referenced book has a free pdf on Boyd's site: On page 90, formula 3.17 gives this definition. I suspect the reason for the added terms is ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
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21 votes

Connection between Fisher metric and the relative entropy

Proof for usual (non-symmetric) KL divergence Zen's answer uses the symmetrized KL divergence, but the result holds for the usual form as well, since it becomes symmetric for infinitesimally close ...
Abhranil Das's user avatar
19 votes

Why is Kullback-Leilbler divergence a better metric for measuring distance between two probability distributions than squared error?

Overview: KL-Divergence is derived from the Shannon entropy. The Shannon entropy is the amount of information contained in a signal X with distribution $\mathrm{P}(X)$. The cross entropy is the ...
Skander H.'s user avatar
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19 votes

Are Mutual Information and Kullback–Leibler divergence equivalent?

Mutual information is not a metric. A metric $d$ satisfies the identity of indiscernibles: $d(x, y) = 0$ if and only if $x = y$. This is not true of mutual information, which behaves in the opposite ...
user20160's user avatar
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18 votes

Kullback-Leibler Divergence for two samples

The Kullback-Leibler divergence is defined as $$ \DeclareMathOperator{\KL}{KL} \KL(P || Q) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty p(x) \log \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \; dx $$ so to calculate (estimate) this from ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
18 votes

Jensen Shannon Divergence vs Kullback-Leibler Divergence?

I found a very mature answer on the Quora and just put it here for people who look for it here: The Kullback-Leibler divergence has a few nice properties, one of them being that $𝐾𝐿[𝑞;𝑝]$ ...
Mo-'s user avatar
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17 votes

What's the maximum value of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence

For distributions which do not have the same support, KL divergence is not bounded. Look at the definition: $$KL(P\vert\vert Q) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x)\ln\left(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}\right) dx$$ ...
Carlos Campos's user avatar
17 votes

KL divergence between which distributions could be infinity

What happens to $D_{KL}(p \parallel q)$ when $p(x)$ and/or $q(x)$ is zero? In a strict sense, the log of zero is undefined because there's no value of $x$ such that $e^x = 0$. But, the definition of ...
user20160's user avatar
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15 votes

Distance between two Gaussian mixtures to evaluate cluster solutions

Suppose we have two Gaussian mixtures in $\mathbb R^d$:$\DeclareMathOperator{\N}{\mathcal N} \newcommand{\ud}{\mathrm{d}} \DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\mathbb E} \DeclareMathOperator{\MMD}{\mathrm{MMD}}$ $...
Danica's user avatar
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15 votes

Is it possible to apply KL divergence between discrete and continuous distribution?

Yes, the KL divergence between continuous and discrete random variables is well defined. If $P$ and $Q$ are distributions on some space $\mathbb{X}$, then both $P$ and $Q$ have densities $f$, $g$ with ...
Olivier's user avatar
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15 votes

Why don't we use a symmetric cross-entropy loss?

Consider a classification context like you mentioned, where $q(y \mid x)$ is the model distribution over classes, given input $x$. $p(y \mid x)$ is the 'true' distribution, defined as a delta function ...
user20160's user avatar
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14 votes

Interpretation of Radon-Nikodym derivative between probability measures?

First, we don't need probability measures, just $\sigma$-finiteness. So let $\mathcal M = (\Omega, \mathscr F)$ be a measurable space and let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be $\sigma$-finite measures on $\mathcal M$...
jld's user avatar
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11 votes

What is the meaning of || (double vertical bar) in this KL divergence equation?

My understanding is that the double bar emphasises that the order of the arguments matters. The reminder is perhaps helpful because KL is used much like a distance, but it's not symmetric, so it's not ...
conjectures's user avatar
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11 votes

Estimate the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence with Monte Carlo

I assume you can evaluate $f$ and $g$ up to a normalizing constant. Denote $f(x) = f_u(x)/c_f$ and $g(x) = g_u(x)/c_g$. A consistent estimator that may be used is $$ \widehat{D_{KL}}(f || g) = \left[...
Taylor's user avatar
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11 votes

Kullback–Leibler divergence

I just wonder why he wants to measure the similarity between the distributions $p(x|\theta)$ and $p(x|\theta_0)$. You're kind of asking the wrong question. If we're in a setting where we're using ...
aleshing's user avatar
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10 votes

Kullback-Leibler divergence WITHOUT information theory

Here is a statistical interpretation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, loosely taken from I.J. Good (Weight of evidence: A brief survey, Bayesian Statistics 2, 1985). The weight of evidence. ...
Olivier's user avatar
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10 votes

Cross entropy vs KL divergence: What's minimized directly in practice?

Let $q$ be the density of your true data-generating process and $f_\theta$ be your model-density. Then $$KL(q||f_\theta) = \int q(x) log\left(\frac{q(x)}{f_\theta(x)}\right)dx = -\int q(x) \log(f_\...
Sebastian's user avatar
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9 votes

Does the Jensen-Shannon divergence maximise likelihood?

First, it is important to clarify a few things. The KL divergence is a dissimilarity between two distributions, so it cannot maximize the likelihood, which is a function of a single distribution. ...
gui11aume's user avatar
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