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6 votes

Repeated measurements on the right hand side of the regression equation

The cluster sandwich covariance estimator works quite well in situations like this. As a test, you can just duplicate each row of data in a standard study and you’ll find the cluster covariance ...
Frank Harrell's user avatar
4 votes

Repeated measurements on the right hand side of the regression equation

What about the following joint-modeling perspective: There is a latent quantity (you might think of it as the true underlying health state of the patient). Let's call that $x_i$ for subject $i$. The ...
Björn's user avatar
  • 35.2k
2 votes

Regression lines adjusted for region vs region-specific regression lines

The "region-adjusted slopes" are almost as useless here as the unadjusted slope: The region-adjusted slope comes from estimating separate regression of damage on elevation for the Southern ...
EdM's user avatar
  • 101k
2 votes

in ensemble the resulting model is nonlinear even if the base model is linear?

It depends crucially on how your "ensembling" works. For instance, suppose you have two linear models, $y=a_1+b_1x$ and $y=a_2+b_2x$, and the ensembling picks one of the two models depending ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
1 vote


Presumably it was assumed that $\operatorname E(\varepsilon\mid \mathbf X) = 0$ regardless of the value of $\mathbf X.$ Consequently the variance of that expression is $0$ and so the entire second ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar

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