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49 votes

Linearity of PCA

When we say that PCA is a linear method, we refer to the dimensionality reducing mapping $f:\mathbf x\mapsto \mathbf z$ from high-dimensional space $\mathbb R^p$ to a lower-dimensional space $\mathbb ...
amoeba's user avatar
  • 106k
32 votes

Why Normality assumption in linear regression

We do choose other error distributions. You can in many cases do so fairly easily; if you are using maximum likelihood estimation, this will change the loss function. This is certainly done in ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
28 votes

What does it mean for a linear regression to be statistically significant but has very low r squared?

It means that you can explain a small portion of the variance in the data. For instance, you can establish that a college degree impacts salaries, but at the same time it's just a small factor. There ...
Aksakal's user avatar
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27 votes

Adding a linear regression predictor decreases R squared

Could it be that you have missing values in Q that are getting auto-dropped? That'd have implications on the sample, making the two regressions not comparable.
generic_user's user avatar
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26 votes

In linear regression why does the response variable have to be continuous?

There's nothing stopping you using linear regression on any two columns of numbers you like. There are times when it might even be a quite sensible choice. However, the properties of what you get out ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
26 votes

What is the best programmatic way for determining whether two variables are linearly or non-linearly or not even related

It is very difficult to achieve what you want programmatically because there are so many different forms of nonlinear associations. Even looking at correlation or regression coefficients will not ...
Robert Long's user avatar
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25 votes

Is linear regression obsolete?

It is true that the assumptions of linear regression aren't realistic. However, this is true of all statistical models. "All models are wrong, but some are useful." I guess you're under the ...
23 votes

Is a decision stump a linear model?

No, unless you transform the data. It is a linear model if you transform $x$ using indicator function: $$ x' = \mathbb I \left(\{x>2\}\right) = \begin{cases}\begin{align} 0 \quad &x\leq 2\\ 1 \...
shadowtalker's user avatar
  • 12.8k
20 votes

Are linear regression and least squares regression necessarily the same thing?

An explanation rather depends on what your background is. Suppose you have some so-called independent variables $x_1,x_2,\ldots, x_k$ (they do not have to be independent of each other) where each $x_i$...
Henry's user avatar
  • 40.8k
20 votes

If X=Y+Z, Is it ever useful to regress X on Y?

If you know $X = Y + Z$ and you have $Y$ and $Z$ measured, why would you need to run a regression of $X$ on $Y$ and $Z$? It provides no additional information and does not allow you to make "...
Noah's user avatar
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19 votes

Linear regression what does the F statistic, R squared and residual standard error tell us?

The best way to understand these terms is to do a regression calculation by hand. I wrote two closely related answers (here and here), however they may not fully help you understanding your particular ...
Stefan's user avatar
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19 votes

Are linear regression and least squares regression necessarily the same thing?

Least squares is the processes of minimizing the sum of squared errors from some model. Given a function $f$ which depends on parameters $\theta$, the least squares estimates of $\theta$ are $$ \hat{\...
Demetri Pananos's user avatar
18 votes

Why do we need regularization for linear least squares given that a line is the simplest model possible?

Great question! The need for regularization always depends on your sample size. Imagine you do not have a lot of data, just three samples. I plotted three possible linear regression lines. The red one ...
PascalIv's user avatar
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17 votes

What are the differences between ANOVAs and GLMs?

This is a common point of confusion, as the word ANOVA is used with different meanings in different textbooks / software packages. I'll try to sort this out a bit: Historically, ANOVA is a method to ...
Florian Hartig's user avatar
17 votes

Why does linear regression use a cost function based on the vertical distance between the hypothesis and the input data point?

When you have noise in both the dependent variable (vertical errors) and the independent variable (horizontal errors), the least squares objective function can be modified to incorporate these ...
dimitriy's user avatar
  • 37.8k
17 votes

Beginner Q: Residual Sum Squared (RSS) and R2

No, these numbers do not contradict each other. It sounds like you have an understanding of what $R^2$ means: it represents the proportion of the variance in your data which is explained by your model;...
sacuL's user avatar
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15 votes

Why do we call the equations of least square estimation in linear regression the *normal equations*?

I'll give what is perhaps the most common understanding, then some additional details. Normal is a term in geometry (Wikipedia): In geometry, a normal is an object such as a line or vector that is ...
Glen_b's user avatar
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15 votes

Correct formula for MSE

Both are correct. As said by blooraven (+1), this is the same kind of correction as in the unbiased estimator for sample variance. The second formula is used with linear regression corrects for the ...
Tim's user avatar
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15 votes

Difference between E(Y) and E(Y|X) in regression

Disclaimer: I only read your question correctly after i wrote this. If $X$ is non random then yeah $E(Y|X) = E(Y)$. Your mistake comes down to an abuse of notation. Within usual notation $X$ is a ...
Lukas Lohse's user avatar
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14 votes

Understand Link Function in Generalized Linear Model

So when you have binary response data, you have a "yes/no" or "1/0" outcome for each observation. However, what you are trying to estimate when doing a binary response regression is not a 1/0 outcome ...
Anna SdTC's user avatar
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14 votes

Why linear regression has assumption on residual but generalized linear model has assumptions on response?

The assumptions are not inconsistent. If, for $i = 1, \ldots, n$, you assume $$ Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{i1} + \ldots + \beta_k X_{ik} + \epsilon_i, $$ with the errors $\epsilon_i$ being normally ...
mark999's user avatar
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14 votes

Why linear regression has assumption on residual but generalized linear model has assumptions on response?

Simple linear regression having Gaussian errors is a very nice attribute that does not generalize to generalized linear models. In generalized linear models, the response follows some given ...
Cliff AB's user avatar
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14 votes

Linear regression when Y is bounded and discrete

When a response or outcome $Y$ is bounded, various questions arise in fitting a model, including the following: Any model that could predict values for the response outside those bounds is in ...
Nick Cox's user avatar
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13 votes

Correcting log-transformation bias in a linear model

To understand the bias correction used in Miller (1984) you need to understand a little bit about the log-normal distribution. From the properties of the log-normal distribution, if $\ln Y \sim \text{...
Ben's user avatar
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13 votes

Interpretation of statistically non-significant coefficient

It is not true in general that an insignificant variable has no effect on the response. A variable can be insignificant because the sample size is too low or the random variation too large to find a ...
Christian Hennig's user avatar
12 votes

How to run linear regression in a parallel/distributed way for big data setting?

Short Answer: Yes, running linear regression in parallel has been done. For example, Xiangrui Meng et al. (2016) for Machine Learning in Apache Spark. The way it works is using stochastic gradient ...
Haitao Du's user avatar
  • 37.2k
12 votes

MLE for Linear Regression, student-t distributed error

The MLE is obtained by maximising the log-likelihood function, so the first thing you will want to do is have a look at this function. Using the density function for the Student T-distribution with ...
Ben's user avatar
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12 votes

Different regression coefficients in R and Excel

The difference between coefficients is in the relation x versus y which is reversed in the one case. Note that in your R case the coefficient relates to 'suva' and in your Excel case the ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
12 votes

What is the problem with $p > n$?

This is a very good question. When the number of candidate predictors $p$ is more than the effective sample size $n$, and one does not place any restrictions on the regression coefficients (e.g., one ...
Frank Harrell's user avatar
12 votes

In the case of linear regression, if the parameters are uncorrelated, does this make the model better? If yes, why?

This depends on what you mean by "make the model better". Do you want to use this model to say something about how the world works, or to make predictions? if the covariates are uncorrelated, then ...
JDL's user avatar
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