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3 votes

Mixed Model: Translation from mathematical notation to R's lmer() - package: lmerTest

This is a really great start. You were almost there! See below for some suggested edits. The one thing you were missing in the initial code was that you did not have the ...
Erik Ruzek's user avatar
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multilevel regression, model specification

Here is a summary of variables based on your descriptions with requests of clarification. Please update the question to clarify. I will update my answer after you provide more information. Response: <...
DrJerryTAO's user avatar
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About adding random effects in Multilevel (HLM) analysis

TLDR: As I noted in my comment, you should specify the lower level variable's slope as varying randomly across higher level units. There are at least two reasons for this. The first is conceptual and ...
Erik Ruzek's user avatar
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Experimental condition with multilevel model

If your "city" random effect here is supposed to be "county", then your model would be correct. Otherwise, if you were trying to fit states, counties, and cities, it would instead ...
Shawn Hemelstrand's user avatar

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