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3 votes

What does the intercept mean in a model where the predictor is substance use at baseline and the outcome is substance use over time?

Robert's post appropriately interprets the coefficients for you. If you would like them to have more meaning, then you may consider centering the predictor variables such that 0 is some meaningful ...
Erik Ruzek's user avatar
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4 votes

Why Random effects and Fixed effects produce the same results?

Without access to the data and enough time to investigate in detail, the following are just some observations/suggestions about what may be going on here. There are two questions: Why do the Random ...
Robert Long's user avatar
  • 63.9k
5 votes

What does the intercept mean in a model where the predictor is substance use at baseline and the outcome is substance use over time?

In your model, the intercept is the expected value of the outcome on the log-odds scale (assuming that this is appropriate for your model) when all covariates are set to zero. That is, it represents ...
Robert Long's user avatar
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3 votes

Model specification for causal inference with longitudinal data and multilevel modeling

Here is a summary of variables based on your descriptions. I updated my answer after you provided clarifications. Response: response. For the three memory ...
DrJerryTAO's user avatar
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1 vote

longitudinal regression but cohort is different in each year?

What you describe just sounds like a cross-sectional design over a time period. A similar approach would be something like an independent samples-same cohort design, or simply a quasi-longitudinal ...
Shawn Hemelstrand's user avatar
1 vote

Appropriate regression analysis for intervention study using waiting-list control design

While I think this could be handled with a mixed effects model, it might be simpler (from an analysis standpoint) to do the following: Don't model $T_0$. From the design, we know $E[y \mid t = T_0, ...
Demetri Pananos's user avatar
0 votes

How should I handle exposure to different topics between participants in a panel dataset using Stata?

With your design and data, you could go a number of ways with the model. Every subject was exposed to each of the 5 treatments and they were exposed to those treatments under two of five topics. So ...
Erik Ruzek's user avatar
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2 votes

Longitudinal model with stable personality trait as predictor

I would recommend that you take a look at the literature on latent state-trait (LST) modeling with autoregression, in particular: Eid, M., Holtmann, J., Santangelo, P., & Ebner-Priemer, U. (2017). ...
Christian Geiser's user avatar
0 votes

Statistical test for independent and non-independent data together?

As far as the longitudinal study is concerned, if there was no intervention of any kind between the time points, I would just average the 3 time points (in terms of counts, not proportions, to account ...
jginestet's user avatar
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3 votes

Longitudinal model with stable personality trait as predictor

I think 'stability' is a bit of a red herring here. If it's stable you only need to measure it once. If it's not stable, then it changes. Whether or not it is 'stable' is not determined by what other ...
Jeremy Miles's user avatar
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