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5 votes

Two way ANOVA or two way repeat measurement ANOVA

Do you have repeated measures or not? If so, how many? If you have repeated measures, you need to account for them, but I would generally opt for a multilevel model rather than RM ANOVA, which assumes ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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4 votes

Two way ANOVA or two way repeat measurement ANOVA

Do you have 2 observations from each participant? Meaning, are you measuring the same kids and same adults at 1 months and 6 months? If so, you should use a test that accounts for this repeated nature ...
Sointu's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between anova () and summary ()?

There's a lot going on here. First, you don't seem to be conducting a repeated-measures anova but a multilevel regression model, which you then test using anova functions. Second, anova() and Anova(), ...
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2 votes

Two way ANOVA or two way repeat measurement ANOVA

I don’t need to belabor the point that others have made but would recommend a Mixed Effects Model / Multilevel Model over a RM ANOVA for a variety of reasons. Mixed Effects Models do not require ...
JElder's user avatar
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1 vote

Are intraclass correlation (ICC) and the correlation within groups related concepts? How so?

I'm not sure who said "ICC is the correlation between observations within the same group" but to me that is not a very helpful way of thinking about it. The ICC is the proportion of total ...
Graham Wright's user avatar

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