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Categorical Dependent Variable

How to approach this? I'd say "very, very cautiously, especially if you don't have a huge sample." First, I'd think very carefully about whether and why you need 60 levels of the dependent ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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2 votes

Does SVM suffer from curse of high dimensionality? If no, Why?

The reason that the support vector machine is somewhat resistant to the curse of dimensionality is that it is an approximate implementation of a bound on generalisation performance that is independent ...
Dikran Marsupial's user avatar
4 votes

why am I getting worst results when using CNN for feature extraction and SVM for classification

There is no one method that always works best. (Google the "No Free Lunch" theorem.) That means that, conversely, different tools work best in different situations. And that of course also ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar

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