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T.E.G.'s user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

How can I apply Akaike Information Criterion and calculate it for Linear Regression?

13 votes

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

11 votes

What does it mean if I have high Cronbach alpha, but poor results in Exploratory Factor Analysis

8 votes

How to evaluate effect size from a regression output

8 votes

Difference between multinomial logit and multinomial probit

7 votes

Reference book for logistic regression

6 votes

How does Clopper and Pearson interval compute

6 votes

Question about Spearman's correlation

5 votes

How do I know what my VIF limits should be for collinearity should be when doing binary logistic regression?

4 votes

Multiple R-squared and adjusted R-squared for one variable

4 votes

interpreting coefficients with binary dependent and independent variables

4 votes

What happened to statistical significance in regression when data size is gigantic?

4 votes

What is the difference between moderator/mediator variables and error terms/explanatory variables, respectively?

4 votes

CFA lavaan Interpreting NA standardized residuals

4 votes

Is it ok to repeat MANCOVA until all interactions are significant

4 votes

Tjur's Coefficient of Discrimination and Multinomial Logistic Models

3 votes

Exploratory analysis to find out characteristics of low scorers

3 votes

Phi and Pearson's correlation, signs reversed

3 votes

Factor analysis for ordinal data converted from binary ordinal data

3 votes

R's chisq.test degrees-of-freedom compared to manual calculation

3 votes

Composite priors in bayesian linear regression?

3 votes

Replicating an SPSS manova in R

2 votes

Diagnostics for General Linear Models

2 votes

Approaching categorical predictors and responses

2 votes

Is ICC in random-intercept models restricted to the null-model?

2 votes

R - plot lm issues with multivariate OLS

2 votes

Is it realistic for all variables to be highly significant in a multiple regression model?

2 votes

Test for heteroskedasticity

2 votes

Binomial regression in R: lm() with logit, vs glm() with family=binomial

2 votes

Would ordinal logistic regression be appropriate in this case?