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cherub's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
23 votes

Are there any examples of where the central limit theorem does not hold?

13 votes

Does correlated input data lead to overfitting with neural networks?

6 votes

Why is it so important to have principled and mathematical theories for Machine Learning?

6 votes

How deep is the connection between the softmax function in ML and the Boltzmann distribution in thermodynamics?

4 votes

Can overfitting be a good thing in some cases?

3 votes

What is the distribution of the (arbitrarily) weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimator?

3 votes

Compare multi-histograms for goodness of fit

3 votes

Confidence in improvements when accuracy is not consistent

3 votes

Linear least-square fitting of two variables with uncertainty on both

3 votes

Structural complexity versus ontological complexity

2 votes

Can you infer causality from correlation in this example of dictator game?

2 votes

Parameter uncertainity in least squares optimization: rescaling Hessian

2 votes

Chi-squared test of independence: is a type II error by itself a bad thing?

2 votes

Finding a pdf of an exponential distribution

2 votes

Repeatability of confidence intervals of variable confidence

2 votes

Utility or loss functions and statistical testing

2 votes

Is there any difference between Frequentist and Bayesian on the definition of Likelihood?

2 votes

(1995) Bishop's cite on weight decay regularization

2 votes

Convergence rate of the ratio of two normal distributions?

1 vote

Drawing conclusions of several inferences with the same data in one study

1 vote

What does "learn the linear part of a mapping" mean?

1 vote

Goodness of Fit ot Least Squares with known measurement uncertainty

1 vote

Understanding the measurement error in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for non-linear least square

1 vote

"Mean" & "median" comparison and zero variance confusions when making inferences in Bayesian model

1 vote

Taylor explansion of the feed-forward network error

1 vote

Is the procedure to argue about different ml techniques in a specific dataset valid?

1 vote

Binomial distribution for dependent trials?

1 vote

How many responses needed when a majority can't be measured?

0 votes

Return on investment for a vaccine

0 votes

Error Propagation and Error Partition