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kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
kjetil b halvorsen
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Tellus
120 votes

What is the intuition behind SVD?

115 votes

Intuition on the Kullback–Leibler (KL) Divergence

89 votes

How does saddlepoint approximation work?

71 votes

What is the difference between finite and infinite variance

59 votes

How does linear regression use the normal distribution?

58 votes

Why should we use t errors instead of normal errors?

51 votes

Dropping one of the columns when using one-hot encoding

45 votes

Goodness of fit and which model to choose linear regression or Poisson

45 votes

Why do we only see $L_1$ and $L_2$ regularization but not other norms?

44 votes

Why does logistic regression become unstable when classes are well-separated?

43 votes

What kind of information is Fisher information?

43 votes

Correlations between continuous and categorical (nominal) variables

40 votes

What is the intuition behind defining completeness in a statistic as being impossible to form an unbiased estimator of $0$ from it?

39 votes

Statistical interpretation of Maximum Entropy Distribution

35 votes

Why Lasso or ElasticNet perform better than Ridge when the features are correlated

32 votes

The difference between with or without intercept model in logistic regression

30 votes

Family of GLM represents the distribution of the response variable or residuals?

29 votes

What is the difference between moment generating function and probability generating function?

29 votes

What does "likelihood is only defined up to a multiplicative constant of proportionality" mean in practice?

29 votes

Taleb and the Black Swan

28 votes

Why do we need sigma-algebras to define probability spaces?

28 votes

Can you give a simple intuitive explanation of IRLS method to find the MLE of a GLM?

27 votes

Is there a statistical application that requires strong consistency?

26 votes

ML estimate of exponential distribution (with censored data)

26 votes

Why is sum of squared residuals non-increasing when adding explanatory variable?

26 votes

What are the consequences of "copying" a data set for OLS?

25 votes

When to normalize data in regression?

24 votes

Expected value as a function of quantiles?

24 votes

Why doesn't the exponential family include all distributions?

23 votes

What is meant by a "random variable"?

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