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yoav_aaa's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Data scientist interview question: Linear regression low $R^2$ and what would you do

4 votes

A visual explanation regarding a generalised Pearson's correlation for two variables

4 votes

Is regression possible for unstructured text?

3 votes

PCA explained variance low

2 votes

Estimate size of each group with uncertainties from a KDE plot

2 votes

Does poor clustering results entail poor classification results?

2 votes

Why do actuaries roll high values of some variables like seats (categorical variable) into a lower value?

2 votes

data set 'bootstrapping'. Is there a name for this?

1 vote

Using log-log graph to find equation of power law relationship?

1 vote

Uncertainty in measurement error

1 vote

what's the use of lag? when using it do I have to lag my dependent variable or is it only the independent variable?

1 vote

T-test : Average Time Spent on Website

1 vote

DQN - agent doesn't improve policy

1 vote

How to calculate tf-idf for a single term

1 vote

Estimating the error in the standard deviation

1 vote

Why and when would one begin with PCA on $X$ when predicting $y$?

1 vote

How to apply feature engineering for classification efficiently using polynomials

1 vote

How to build feature vectors from profile data

1 vote

Detecting outliers in contextual time-series data

1 vote

Expected value of linear regression coefficient over different probability distributions

1 vote

Clustering of time series and their transformations

1 vote

Dimensionality reduction of events data

1 vote

How to determine a sample size

1 vote

What techniques can be used for predictive modeling which incorporate sector specific information

1 vote

Machine Learning dealing with NaN values

0 votes

Highlighting top factors for a specific employee’s attrition probability based on logistic regression model

0 votes

Cross Validation with Preprocessing (Normalization, Discretization, Feature Selection)

0 votes

Binary classification with imbalanced classes

0 votes

Why we need to extract a lot of features from a dataset for classification

0 votes

How to set up a machine learning model with no data