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Jay Schyler Raadt's user avatar
Jay Schyler Raadt's user avatar
Jay Schyler Raadt
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
4 votes

Confidence interval around binomial estimate of 0 or 1

3 votes

Best way to model repeated measure differences across groups

3 votes

What exactly is the test called for the significance of a correlation?

3 votes

Recommended terminology for "statistically significant"

3 votes

How to deal with non-questioned values in multiple regression?

3 votes

Linear Regression vs. ARIMA

3 votes

How to compare paired percentages (can I use the Wilcoxon signed-rank test?)

3 votes

Auto correlation function in R what are the error lines

2 votes

Decompose growth of variable

2 votes

Reporting linear regression with Post-hoc comparisons

2 votes

Repeated measure ANOVA vs independent 2-sample t-test

2 votes

Which model for my data?

2 votes

Regression with missing Y’s

2 votes

Spades - Probability for a "sure lose" blind Nil hand?

1 vote

What type of Mixed Method is this?

1 vote

How to evaluate all possible contrasts of an interaction effect

1 vote

Is it neccessary to test for serial correlation in a multi-level model

1 vote

Algorithm to find the attributes that comprise the greatest concentration

1 vote

Interrupted Time Series Analysis with multiple Intervention timepoints

1 vote

How to calculate sample size, power, and effect size?

1 vote

Logistic Regression and Normality Testing?

1 vote

Quantitative rule for reporting mean (SD) vs. Median (IQR)?

1 vote

Multiple Imputation - calculating effect size and reporting results

1 vote

What is the best way to estimate the variability of a measurement?

1 vote

Calculate probability of being in the top-N based on pairwise probabilities

1 vote

What is a sensible test for time series pre/post data

1 vote

Multiple pretest and posttest with non equivalent control group design

1 vote

multilevel model vs panel analysis

1 vote

Looking for relative contribution of log and standard variables

1 vote

What test to use to compare two statistical distributions with 1 variable and many categories