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Thomas Wagenaar's user avatar
Thomas Wagenaar's user avatar
Thomas Wagenaar
  • Member for 7 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

What is dense prediction in Deep learning?

9 votes

Why is sigmoid or tanh better than linear slope for an activation function?

8 votes

In neural network literature, which one is activation?

3 votes

Mixing shuffle order on training set for future epochs

3 votes

Higher level features in neural networks

3 votes

How do I standarize input data for a neural network?

3 votes

Alternative ways of coding the same output in neural networks?

2 votes

Is it a bad idea if the number of units in consecutive layers of a NN drops by a large amount?

2 votes

Deep networks vs shallow networks: why do we need depth?

2 votes

Convolutional neural networks - What is done first? Padding or convolving?

2 votes

What is the meaning of the error rate in Neural networks?

1 vote

Tic Tac Toe Neural Network Predicting a Piece Where there is a Piece

1 vote

Evaluation of a model on Deep Neural Networks

1 vote

Binary Neural Network using only bit and integer operations

1 vote

Training an agent to play Flappy Bird

1 vote

How can I add extra new data after trainning neural network?

1 vote

Classification - train on full data, predict on partial data

1 vote

How to perform multi-step ahead in MLP time series model?

1 vote

How to bulid a new neural network or use a learned one for prediction when some variables are missing

1 vote

How do we construct features to use as input to machine learning algorithms for the purpose of movie recommendations(using collaborative filtering)?

1 vote

ReLU when outputs should be constrained

1 vote

How to improve the accuracy of a neural network model?

1 vote

Does the adjustment / learning of the weights in Perceptron algorithm depend on the learning rate?

1 vote

How can you map the exceedance of a threshold into an activation function of a Neural Network?

1 vote

How do I calculate output of a Neural Network?

1 vote

Can the output layer size be bigger than input layer size in a neural network?

1 vote

Visualizing model trajectories for Neural Networks using function approximator

1 vote

Construct formula for neural network

1 vote

What is weights in perceptron

1 vote

Starting configurations for RNN and MLPs