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Haotian Chen's user avatar
Haotian Chen
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Is it true that the word prior should be used only with latent random variables?

3 votes

Are Neural Networks Mixture Models?

3 votes

Gibbs sampling how to sample from the conditional probability? Bayesian model

3 votes

Mixed Effects Model (3 level model?)

3 votes

What can we say about P(X<Y and X<Z)?

3 votes

I want to compare the effect of alcohol ban. I have some variables like income before and after ban. How can i compare them statistically

2 votes

Comparing Coefficients of Two Time Series Models

2 votes

Shouldn't log likelihood always be normalized by data size in bayesian estimation?

2 votes

Does probability threshold offset biases due to imbalanced classes in Logistic Regression?

2 votes

How to calculate $P(A, B | C)$ from Bayesian Network?

2 votes

In Bayesian statistics, data is considered nonrandom but can have a probability or be conditioned on. How?

2 votes

When (and why) should you take the log of a distribution (of numbers)?

1 vote

If I engineer a new feature such that feature C = feature A/feature B, must I drop features A and B from a Gaussian Naive Bayes model?

1 vote

How does expectation maximization relate to weighted least squares?

1 vote

Is Coordinate Ascent algorithm related to Gibbs Sampling in some way?

1 vote

How to decouple weight decay strength and model size?

1 vote

Maximum likelihood estimator that is not a function of a sufficient statistic

1 vote

What is the difference between log-likelihood and expected pointwise log predictive density

1 vote

How can I combine fully correlated effect sizes and their standard errors?

1 vote

Why does order of entry of predictor variables matter in Regression?

1 vote

Mixture models and K-means clustering similarities: What is the covariance matrix?

1 vote

Calculating Value State matrix for a finite MDP without limit condition

1 vote

Population vs Sample Space

0 votes

How to implement a survival function PDF?

0 votes

How to compare models with the same parameters but different numbers of points

0 votes

using bootstrap to calculate t-test p-value and CI in r

0 votes

Estimating conditional probabilities on a large corpus of parsed documents

0 votes

Don't understand one particular normal distribution notation from opaper Stochastic Variational Deep Kernel Learning, help needed

0 votes

Rolling autocorrelation vs whole series autocorrelation

0 votes

Calculating standard deviation without original measurements