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Peter Bloem's user avatar
Peter Bloem's user avatar
Peter Bloem
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
22 votes

Are splines overfitting the data?

19 votes

Why doesn't k-means give the global minimum?

8 votes

Practical usefulness of PCA

7 votes

Big Data vs multiple hypothesis testing?

6 votes

randomness and computers

5 votes

Simple text classifier: classification taking forever?

3 votes

What machine learning algorithm solves this problem?

3 votes

Classification vs. regression for prediction of the sign of a continuous response variable

2 votes

Time series prediction with non-constant sampling interval

2 votes

Relation between different ML models

2 votes

Evaluation of k-means output for >3D

1 vote

How to extract ngrams from ambigous text after lemmatization?

1 vote

Generating realistic names with last names

1 vote

Easy way to test usefulness of data for stock market analysis?

1 vote

Binary classification of DNA motif sequences (bioinformatics)

1 vote

Is classifying documents according to their topic useful for any application?

1 vote

KL divergence or similar "distance" metric between two multivariate distributions

1 vote

Classifier feature importance

0 votes

Classification vs. regression for prediction of the sign of a continuous response variable