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mribeirodantas's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
12 votes

Is Propensity Score Matching a "MUST" for Scientific Studies?

9 votes

Do we actually take random line in first step of linear regression?

7 votes

Does it make sense for a partial correlation to be larger than a zero-order correlation?

7 votes

Difference between exchangeability and independence in causal inference

4 votes

Causal inference where potential outcome is somehow "violated"?

3 votes

Why is a regression coefficient covariance/variance

3 votes

What's the difference between Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation and regression?

3 votes

How to identify number of vertices, edges and weights in a cellular network

2 votes

three sigma vs six sigma

2 votes

If A is associated with B, is the contrary also true?

2 votes

Causal Inference in a Bayesian Network with unobservable backdoor and no frontdoor

2 votes

Why are $X$ and $Y$ in this graph d-separated given $Z_2$?

2 votes

Why do we need identification in causal inference?

2 votes

For intuition, what are some real life examples of uncorrelated but dependent random variables?

2 votes

Partial correlation and multiple regression controlling for categorical variables

2 votes

Why a path in a causal graph can have edges not all with the same direction?

1 vote

Can the Response Variable ever be used in Clustering?

1 vote

random sampling with replacement of variables, not just cases

1 vote

Is the physical impact / effect necessarily the independent variable / dependent variable of the regression model

1 vote

Are all statistical models also causal models?

1 vote

I have done a correlation in R and I'm unsure on the output?

1 vote

Why would my R Squared increase AND my RMSE increase when I add more variables to a model?

1 vote

What correlation test can I use for non-normal and binary data?

1 vote

Interpreting the p-value in Spearman's rank correlation

1 vote

When is a Control a Bad Control Exactly

1 vote

Condition for covariance matrix to be non-invertible

1 vote

Does it make sense to have KL divergence between 2 distributions associated with 2 different random variables?

1 vote

Conditional independence tests not respecting d-separation

1 vote

correlation vs regression coefficients to ascertain the most important independent variables as they relate to the dependent variable?

0 votes

Can someone explain why Bayesian networks are called "Bayesian"