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Nuclear241's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
9 votes

Difference between Log Transformation and Standardization

8 votes

Machine Learning VS Statistical Learning vs Statistics

6 votes

Downweight outliers in mean

5 votes

Term for when hypothesis testing is conducted repeatedly until an interesting result is found?

3 votes

How to test for overfit in lm() regression?

3 votes

Can PCA be applied to a subset of features

2 votes

Should we really do Re-Sampling in Class Imbalance data?

2 votes

what is Multivariate Data

2 votes

Doubt in derivation of expectation of sample variance

2 votes

How would you call matrix of response variables?

1 vote

Terminology for a "studentized" random variable?

1 vote

What is it called when the Test Set and Training set is the same?

1 vote

Raising average: organic approach vs outlier

1 vote

Visualize two usually-identical timeseries distributions

1 vote

Data Visualization - how to display error of a color scale?

1 vote

Reasons for weak multiple regression

1 vote

Why "Honestly" in Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD)?

1 vote

Does a high-dimensionality of a time series refer to its length, number of variables or both?

1 vote

What does it mean that random variables are "drawn from the same distribution"?

1 vote

How do bias, variance and overfitting relate to each other?

0 votes

Understanding statistics numbers vs. counters

0 votes

What should I be careful when using the word "supervised" in paper writing?

0 votes

Does inclusion of categorical dummy variables impact OLS prediction?

0 votes

Is there a good summary statistic that indicates that a vector has a high average _and_ a high sum?

0 votes

Are the differences between sampling clusters and sampling strata, conceptual, methodological, neither or both?

0 votes

Number of samples and R^2

0 votes

What would be the right statistical test and why am I getting different results using Z-test and confidence intervals?

0 votes

Can we use average as independent variable in regression to detect outlier?

0 votes

Find $b$ such that $P(−b<Z≤b)=0.90$ if $Z$ is a normal distribution

0 votes

How can I cluster plant biomass and grain weight for different plant varieties using Ward's method based clustering?