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Yes, my objective is prediction. I will train/validate/test doing K-fold cross validation and so on. But my problem comes from the fact that high correlated features make the models (weights) unstable which is usually not recommended
For every 70% of the train set, I pass it through a classifier and take the features passing a feature threshold (I use weights or feature importance) and create a counter out of these lists. I use "SelectFromModel" function from sklearn.feature_selection package.
In step 3, I am splitting the train test into 70-30 X times. That means that at the end I do use all the train set to find the subset of features. In step 4, I do k-fold cv on the 80% train (i.e. all data points from step 3)
What you are suggesting is training on the bootstrap samples (with replacement I assume) and test on the full original data? or test on the remaining data (i.e. repeated train/test split but with bootstrap)?
So will the confidence interval drop by root(N) no matter what approach I use (percentile, BC, BCa)? It seems to me that it is only true for the percentile approach