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hbadger19042's user avatar
hbadger19042's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • South Korea
4 votes

What is the coverage of bootstrap confidence interval?

3 votes

What does it mean "analyze sample time series data when only a single series is available"?

3 votes

Should I calculate the mean and standard deviation with raw or transformed data?

2 votes

What is a Dirac distribution on a hyperplane?

2 votes

Bias-Variance decomposition: Expectations over what?

2 votes

Why is the error square equivalent to variance of error?

2 votes

What is a stochastic objective function?

2 votes

What are the necessary and sufficient criteria for a distribution to be a Student's t-distribution?

2 votes

Z score interpretation

1 vote

Alpha error vs Beta error

1 vote

Which is the best approach for permutation testing for deep learning models?

1 vote

Is my Moving Average model correctly implemented

1 vote

Time series - Differencing vs Dividing

1 vote

How to build the final model and tune probability threshold after nested cross-validation?

1 vote

Feature selection for time-series

1 vote

Proof that the mean of predicted values in OLS regression is equal to the mean of original values?

1 vote

combining data from two different types of sensor with different reliability

1 vote

How does repeated cross validation go about 'averaging' model coefficients?

1 vote

Difference in the variance between multiply a random variable and the sum of the same random variable

1 vote

Spearman Correlation x=-y

0 votes

refitting a model to the data during a backtest

0 votes

Regression error propagated over time

0 votes

Why do you need a balanced test set?

0 votes

Derivation of gaussian mixture models assuming that hidden variable is known

0 votes

Why do we need to make a distributional assumption on the innovations $(\varepsilon_{t})_{t}$

0 votes

Which is a better determinant of linear regression performance: the RMSE, R-squared or significance of coefficients?

0 votes

Does a non-parametric model necessarily have zero bias?

0 votes

How to derive this proportional conditional probability