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Márcio Augusto Diniz's user avatar
Márcio Augusto Diniz's user avatar
Márcio Augusto Diniz
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

How to do LASSO regression with a dependent variable that is continuous between 0 and 1

5 votes

Do I accept or reject the null hypothesis?

4 votes

Is there any name for regression on response variable between 0 to 1?

4 votes

Why does MCMCpack use normal priors when running Poisson regression?

3 votes

Rayleigh Distribution Quartiles

3 votes

How can a statistician be relevant today?

2 votes

Intraclass correlation with dependent sample units for inter-rater realibility

2 votes

Alternate approach to modeling count data with many zeroes

1 vote

Mixed effects analysis - non-integer, not normally distributed data (R)

1 vote

Difference between best predictor and best linear predictor

1 vote

How the randomisation probability is updated for each new patient entering adaptive clinical trial?

1 vote

Power analysis: number of participants or number of data points?