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Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

Do we need hypothesis testing when we have all the population?

18 votes

Why is a random walk not a stationary process?

15 votes

Intuitive explanation of stationarity

14 votes

How to test statistically whether my network (graph) is a "small-world" network or not?

13 votes

Are all simulation methods some form of Monte Carlo?

10 votes

Explain "Curse of dimensionality" to a child

7 votes

Test if two samples of binomial distributions comply with the same p

6 votes

Are time series methods only good for forecasting?

6 votes

How to understand mutual Granger causality

5 votes

Surrogate Time Series using Fourier Transform

4 votes

Forecasting vs Classification

4 votes

“t-tests are too fundamental for academia”

3 votes

How to generate random networks for comparison with my network?

3 votes

Difference between real and random graphs in bipartite networks

3 votes

Analysis of irregularly sampled time series

3 votes

Is a time series the same as a stochastic process?

3 votes

Distribution of White Noise in Time Series

2 votes

Variance and autocorrelation with missing and/or unevenly spaced data in time series

2 votes

Counterintuitive result when comparing two groups of time series

2 votes

Estimate statistical significance of a feature in a time series

2 votes

Why is removing instationarities a good thing when trying to forecast a time series?

2 votes

Bootstrapping Time Series Data

2 votes

Is this a nonlinear time series?

2 votes

Why do we use the class mark in calculating the mean in grouped data?

2 votes

Rolling sum of 2 sample KS test results

2 votes

Does the term “bootstrap” comprise Monte Carlo samples of null models a.k.a. “surrogates”?

1 vote

Why do physicists use sigma while biologists use p values/posterior probabilities?

1 vote

How to combine p-values of weighted effects?

1 vote

Finding out frequency of peaks using the Fourier transform

1 vote

To test for small-world property, does the random graph generated has to be completely connected?