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KOE's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
22 votes

Intuitive explanation of convergence in distribution and convergence in probability

17 votes

Autocorrelation vs Non-stationary

14 votes

At each step of a limiting infinite process, put 10 balls in an urn and remove one at random. How many balls are left?

13 votes

Distribution of scalar products of two random unit vectors in $D$ dimensions

12 votes

Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) Estimate of Variance Component

11 votes

If 900 out of 1000 people say a car is blue, what is the probability that it is blue?

10 votes

Heteroskedasticity removed through fixed effect estimation?

9 votes

Prove $\mathbb E(X|X>0)=\mathbb E(X)/\mathbb P(X>0)$

9 votes

Regression residual distribution assumptions

9 votes

Meaning of Borel sets in discrete spaces

8 votes

What exactly is a distribution?

7 votes

How to Prove that an Event Occurs Infinitely Often (Almost Surely)?

6 votes

How is the notation $X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ read?

6 votes

If $\mathbb{E}[X] = k$ and $\text{Var}[X] = 0$, is $\Pr\left(X = k\right) = 1$?

6 votes

Yet another central limit theorem question

6 votes

What is the distribution of $X_i-\bar{X}$ when $X_1,...,X_n \sim \text{IID N}(\mu,\sigma)$?

6 votes

Why doesn't the CLT work for $x \sim poisson(\lambda = 1) $?

6 votes

Expected value of maximum likelihood coin parameter estimate

6 votes

Use a baseline including all observations in lm()

5 votes

How to calculate the distribution of the minimum of multiple exponential variables?

5 votes

Differencing a time series

5 votes

Distribution of Quotient of 2 dependent random variables

5 votes

Minimal Sufficient Statistic for location family

5 votes

Is every cumulative probability density function Borel measurable?

5 votes

Does $\max_{x\in X}E[Y\mid X=x] = \max_{P_X}\sum_{x\in X}P_X(x)E[Y\mid X=x]$?

4 votes

Sufficient and necessary conditions for zero eigenvalue of a correlation matrix

4 votes

Are products of independent random variables independent?

4 votes

How are calculations done for REML?

4 votes

Example of CLT when moments do not exist

4 votes

What is the expectation: E[(2X + 3)^2 ], given E[X] = 1?