Carlos Accioly's user avatar
Carlos Accioly's user avatar
Carlos Accioly's user avatar
Carlos Accioly
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
143 votes

Statistics Jokes

53 votes

What references should be cited to support using 30 as a large enough sample size?

23 votes

Why haven't robust (and resistant) statistics replaced classical techniques?

19 votes

Modern successor to Exploratory Data Analysis by Tukey?

14 votes

Remove duplicates from training set for classification

14 votes

Politically correct way of ordering stacked barplots?

11 votes

Famous statistical quotations

11 votes

Statistics library with knapsack constraint

10 votes

How to teach students who fear statistics?

10 votes

Analysing over 300,000 rows in Excel to make pretty graphs

9 votes

How to interpret a control chart containing a majority of zero values?

8 votes

Should percentages be reported with decimal places?

8 votes

How do I group a list of numeric values into ranges?

7 votes

Given a control chart that shows the mean and upper/lower control limits, how do I tell if the cause of out of control points is assignable or not?

7 votes

Best books for an introduction to statistical data analysis?

6 votes

What's the difference between probability and statistics?

5 votes

A resource on concepts underlying statistics, not the techniques used in applied stats

5 votes

When parsing text for n-grams - should punctuation be included?

4 votes

How much can the "pyramid of evidence" be applied to economics and political sciences?

4 votes

How to efficiently manage a statistical analysis project?

4 votes

What's the difference between probability and statistics?

4 votes

What other normalizing transformations are commonly used beyond the common ones like square root, log, etc.?

3 votes

Multivariate Interpolation Approaches

3 votes

Why can scale invariance cause a loss of explanatory power?

3 votes

Examples of hidden Markov models problems?

3 votes

Benefits of using genetic algorithm

3 votes

Difference between two slopes

2 votes

Segmentation of employees

2 votes

What is it that a statistician does?

2 votes

Simple algorithm for online outlier detection of a generic time series