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Hemant Rupani's user avatar
Hemant Rupani's user avatar
Hemant Rupani
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Nagpur
12 votes

Is the covariance of standardized variables the correlation?

6 votes

How can we find $Cov(X(s), X(t))$ for a compound poisson process?

6 votes

Probability that one sum of squared standard normals is greater than a constant times another such sum

5 votes

What is the definition of expected counts in chi square tests?

4 votes

Is it correct to use plus or minus symbol before standard deviation?

3 votes

Help with HW questions

3 votes

Proportion test with null hypothesis p1=x*p2

3 votes

Maximum likelihood estimation of p in a Binomial sample

2 votes

Linear regression scaling independent variables

2 votes

Hypothesis Test on Contest, a problems?

2 votes

Resampling probability

2 votes

Combining Force of Mortality for F and M to find $l_x$

1 vote

Missing data paired samples t-test

1 vote

Hypothesis significance better than Mean Average Precision?

1 vote

Bernoulli trial - why do we multiply probabilities?

1 vote

What do these probabilities mean in lay language? A HR of 0.419 means what?

1 vote

Finding One Step Transition Matrix in Gambling?

1 vote

How to find the distribution?

1 vote

importance of independence among random variables

1 vote

Confidence Interval Formulas

1 vote

Correlation Coefficient for lag $k$ in Time Series Data

1 vote

Poisson Hypothesis Testing for Two Parameters

1 vote

Sampling distributions of sample means

1 vote

Autocorrelation or Serial Correlation

1 vote

Using chisq.test in R to measure goodness of fit of a fitted distribution

1 vote

Transformation of any normal distribution into a standardized t-distribution

1 vote

Generalised Likelihood Models

1 vote

Conditional probability of first ball being blue given that the second ball is red

1 vote

Distribution and knowledge about a state of the environment

1 vote

test on a proportion with the hypotheses